CipherShooters: Q1 Vision

2 min readJan 13, 2022


We had a spectacular Q4 2021, it was really a joy to bring Ciphershooters Operators, Weapons, Cipher Tag, and Cipher CORE, and The Core into the metaverse and begin a journey that can change many lives. And while these are all great achievements, we must continue to move to build and forward. Let’s take a look at what we have planned for Q1 2022.

Cipher CORE Airdrop

We are kicked off the year off with a Cipher CORE airdrop to everyone who has supported the creation of the Ciphershooters. It goes without saying that the community we’ve built together is amazing and we are all in this together.

Battle Betas and Official Release

Battle Betas will continue throughout January! Players will be able to fight droids and earn Cipher Tags as we put the finishing touches on V1 of our Battle gameplay. Week long beta period soon.

Mercenary Missions

Commanders will be able to send out Operators infused with Cipher Core into the City to locate Cipher Tags. This will work like a staking mechanism for Ciphershooters that will allow you to build yield passively.

CCTAG Auto Staking

We’ll be releasing a never-before-seen staking mechanism where unclaimed CTAG will automatically be staked and earning yield until the moment that you claim them.

Mentorship: NFT Renting/Scholarships

Commanders will be able to lend out Operators and Weapons. This will allow DAO and Yield Guilds to scale into the game and give players who own lots of assets but little time, to provide the resources to take back the city. A good mentor can change the lives of their protégé.

Gas-less Transactions

We’re working with one of the best DeFi wallets in the market to bring you gas-less transactions on the polygon network!


Crafting is a fundamental part of any RPG and essential for giving Operators a sense of progression and utility. Additionally, crafting opens up an additional game loop which reinforces the strength of the Ciphershooters economy.

We’re really excited to bring you all these great new features this quarter, the community has been amazing! Bless be the core.

