Fast and Reliable Rodent Control in New Jersey

1 min readMay 1, 2024

Rodent infestations are a prevalent issue in New Jersey, posing risks to both property and health. Fast and reliable solutions are imperative to mitigate these concerns effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the nuances of rodent control and how Kritter Catchers offers unparalleled services in tackling this problem.

Types of Rodents

New Jersey is home to various rodent species, including mice, rats, and squirrels. Each exhibits unique behavior patterns and nesting preferences, making identification crucial for effective control measures.

Signs of Infestation

Identifying signs of rodent infestation is vital for prompt intervention. Visual cues such as droppings, gnaw marks, and nests, along with auditory indications like scratching noises, indicate the presence of rodents.

Health Risks

Rodents are carriers of diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonellosis, posing significant health risks to humans. Additionally, rodent allergens can trigger respiratory issues and exacerbate allergies.

DIY Prevention Methods

Implementing proactive measures can deter rodents from infiltrating properties. Sealant application, proper sanitation, and exclusion techniques are effective DIY strategies to prevent infestations.

Professional Services

While DIY methods offer initial relief, professional intervention is often necessary for comprehensive rodent control. Pest control experts possess the knowledge, tools, and expertise to address infestations effectively.


Fast and reliable rodent control is essential for safeguarding properties and health in New Jersey. With Kritter Catchers’ expertise and dedication, residents can trust in effective solutions tailored to their specific needs.

