The necessity of enlisting Excellent Hospital Security guards

3 min readAug 28, 2020

Hospitals are one of the greatest achievements of modern science. An entire building the size of what used to be a small settlement, dedicated to making sick people healthy, day in day out. Today, hospitals are critical infrastructure for any country, due ti the many different services hospitals provide to the population. From treating trauma accidents, to voluntary plastic surgery, cancer, and the regular ailments of people, almost everybody has visited a hospital at one point or another. Amidst this breadth of human experience, it is only natural for some violent or dangerous experiences. For those times, every hospital needs security guard services.

Why does My Hospital need a commercial security service?

There are several functions that security guards perform that require a specific set of skills that only they have. Broadly, these form into three categories:

- Surveillance and Identification: To preemptively determine whether there are any security threats, and identify them in order to fix

- Deterrent and Prevention: To serve as a visible signal to would be miscreants that there is an active security deterrent

- Intervention: In the last resort, to intervene personally and break up any conflict

Are security guards at hospitals really necessary?

In today’s climate, any location that doesn’t have its own security is ripe for exploitation. Not only are there general concerns as there would be for any establishment such as

- Theft of Valuable equipment

- Harm to employees or other customers

- Vandalism of the property

While these problems are not specific to hospitals, there are also those problems that are highly specific to them, such as

- Sabotage of medical equipment

- Misappropriation of controlled substances

- Psychologically unstable patients causing harm to themselves, threatening harm to others, or actually harming someone

- Relatives or family of patients reacting badly to unforeseen news

- Assistance with enraged, or out of control patients reacting badly to medication

All these problems are highly specific to hospitals, very dangerous if not appropriately dealt with, and well outside the job description for nurses and doctors. Luckily, security guards lend themselves well to such tasks, and can take care of the hospitals needs in this area. In this manner, security guards are an essential item for any hospital’s ledger.

Should I hire independent guards or go with a security company in Los Angeles?

Oftentimes, organizations choose to hire their own security forces, typically via interviewing as they would for any other role. While this can have some advantages, in the long run this typically ends up being more expensive than going with a security company, for a few reasons. While initially, it may cost less, there are certain issues that a security company is able to bypass, due to their specialization. For example,

- If a security guard falls sick, or is otherwise unable to come to work, the hospital must either be a man short, which is not good, or have an extra on retainer at all times, which costs money. Security companies can flawlessly replace a single, or even several guards, as they typically service multiple businesses, and always have a few guards on standby

- Starting from scratch is more difficult than going with an existing solution, and may leave gaps that are not considered. A hospital is a very tightly controlled place, with legal, fiduciary, and ethical restrictions on almost everything. Having to manage all the licensing and regulations surrounding security guards is a mammoth task, on top of all the administration already required. Security guard companies can reduce this down, saving thousands on administrative bloat.

As is plainly apparent, security guards are an essential resource to depend upon for any hospital in the country. They safeguard the best interests of the hospital, protect employees and equipment, and create a safe atmosphere for all.




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