Aphasia Symptoms and Causes

Citizen Hospitals
2 min readAug 3, 2023

Aphasia is a condition that impairs one’s ability to communicate, affecting speech, writing, and comprehension of both spoken and written language. Typically caused by brain damage, it can manifest suddenly after a stroke or head injury or gradually due to a degenerative disease or slow-growing brain tumor. The severity of aphasia varies depending on the extent and cause of the brain damage.

Symptoms of aphasia include difficulties in speaking, understanding language, reading, writing, naming objects or people, and problems with grammar or syntax. Individuals with aphasia may speak in incomplete sentences, produce incomprehensible words, substitute one word or sound for another, have trouble recalling words, and struggle to understand spoken or written language. Their written sentences may also lack coherence.

Aphasia can be indicative of underlying health conditions like stroke or brain tumors and may lead to frustration, anxiety, or depression due to the inability to communicate effectively.

To diagnose aphasia, a comprehensive evaluation is typically conducted by a speech-language pathologist or a neurologist specializing in aphasia treatment in Guntur. The evaluation may include language comprehension and production tests along with other cognitive assessments. Imaging tests like CT scans or MRI may also be employed to identify brain damage location and extent.

Treatment for aphasia involves addressing the underlying condition and undergoing speech and language therapy. The individual works on relearning and practicing language skills while exploring alternative communication methods. Family members often play a role in this process, assisting the person with communication.

Speech therapy may include various techniques to improve language skills, such as conversation practice, naming exercises, and sentence completion tasks. Additionally, strategies like using pictures, gestures, communication boards, or speech-generating devices can aid in communication. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage underlying conditions that contribute to aphasia development.

At Citizen Super Speciality Hospital we offer the best neurology treatments in Guntur, India for more details please visit citizenhospitals.com

Dr. R. Bala Krishna is an experienced neurologist in Guntur we have top and the best team working at our hospital.

Aphasia treatment in Guntur

