Simplify, Simplify, Simplify…

Citizen Super Pack
2 min readNov 30, 2021


Keep It Simple Stupid (and Short)

As I work through stacks of self-improvement books, it’s clear that a key theme is emerging for me.

And that is…simplify, simplify, simplify.

We can make life very complicated and that complexity can drive the stress that actually undermines the pursuit of our goals. The old Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS) rule is more applicable today than ever. It’s actually the endless choices that we have that help foster the complexity.

There is so much in modern life that we COULD do that we can’t figure out easily what we SHOULD do. In fact, there is some push towards us thinking that we SHOULD do everything that we COULD do. Think about that for a minute.

I’m learning this is wrongheaded. In the end, yes it would be great to have a million varied and rich experiences. But, we have to be careful to determine what it is we truly care about and want to focus on versus what all the potential doors we aren’t exploring.

The distraction of options, alternatives, and possibilities actually can keep us from getting anything done. The first step is to actually decide what is most important to you and then focus on optimizing your life to focus on those things.

Step 1 is to truly determine what it is that you want from your life. What are your real goals and priorities?



Citizen Super Pack

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