Be a CityCycler

3 min readOct 1, 2017

Transport. Commuting. What’s new, or rather old, this time?

A new line? A new bike share scheme? A new fancy pantsy ultra segregated cycleway? Hover boards that automatically enable you to dodge crowds? Another driverless car crashed into a hedge? An official study that confirms your suspicions the London Underground Bakerloo line is factually 27 degrees celsius? They’re extending the platforms? Route 73 is on diversion? “Good service”.

We’re here to not just talk — but do — cycling.

Firstly, do you identify with either of these feelings?


“I know how to ride a bike… the dream would be to cycle to work, but I’m not confident to in this chaotic city! I’m not even sure what’s more intimidating or dangerous — those hard core cyclists who wear lycra at 100mph or the road traffic itself?! If only I could find a buddy cycling my same way who actually knew what they were doing and would be willing to teach me the ropes…!”


“I cycle to and from work almost every day and I wish more people would know how great it is. I don’t think it’s dangerous once you learn the ropes and it’s far more convenient and enjoyable than battling the tube or bus, or driving! I’d love to befriend more cyclists, and the more of us out cycling will help push policy to improve a more cycle-friendly city.”

If this sounds familiar, listen up to CityCycler.

CityCycler is on a mission to help get more people cycling in the city!

CityCycler is a mobile app service which matches up inexperienced cyclists with experienced cyclists who share similar routes.

If you’re a rookie cyclist, you get to be guided and shown the ropes by a willing, confident cyclist. If you’re a veteran cyclist, by guiding a rookie this can be opportunity to make friends with other cyclists who share your same route. If you’ve an interest to grow cycling culture in your city too, what better way to do so than encouraging new recruits!

Why can’t cycling in the city in Britain be a ‘thing’?

Currently, it’s no secret fact the culture of cycling in our cities in Britain is far from mainstream and there are countless understandable reasons that put off people from joining or being able to enjoy it more. Less than 20% of the entire population over 16 across England, Scotland and Wales cycle at least once a week. For cycle commuting culture, the state of affairs is just 4.2% (1). That proportion has practically remained the same since the turn of the millennium (2). The millennium! … Talk about 2000 and late!

How about you lead the transport news for a change.

CityCycler is brought to you by a team of cycling advocates, cycling newbies and non-cyclists alike who are simply motivated to encourage and improve the experience of cycling in the city, for veterans and rookies alike.

Some hard core research has done the part to verify numerous benefits of cycling — including improved happiness and wellbeing , saving money, and how safety risks in busy cities in reality outweigh enormous health gains when looking at the full picture (3)… Studies even tell us that unlike going to the gym, once you get into the routine of cycling it requires virtually “no willpower” (how about that!) (4) Our part is to facilitate newly convinced cyclists to get their feet off the ground and to empower willing seasoned cyclists to be part of and enjoy the city cycling movement (quite literally!).

We’re welcoming you to be part of the journey! We’ve started CityCycling in our own little pocket of Clerkenwell in London and we want to share it beyond — CityCycler will be launching in Google Play and Apple App Store soon. If you’re keen as a bean to be a CityCycler, or maybe just curious to try, you can already sign-up to be the first to know when we launch at!

See you on those cycle lanes, soon!

CityCycler Team

In association with Geovation — an Ordnance Survey initiative (because there are maps involved, innit)

Join to start being a CityCycler — Launching Soon

Want to chat? Talk to us at or tweet us @citycyclerapp

Core research references:

  1. Cycling UK
  2. ONS 2011
  3. Martin et al 2014
  4. Glasgow University 2017




We’re a team of cycling advocates, cycling newbies and non-cyclists who are motivated to encourage and improve the experience of cycling in the city, for all.