Avoid These Five Foods to Protect Your Gums:

3 min readAug 10, 2022


There are several foods which can damage your gums or teeth if you are not careful about consuming them. To ensure that your teeth are healthy and strong, you strongly need to inspect what you eat because your food habits can take a toll on your oral health. Some foods can cause plaque which causes gum disease and tooth decay and results in serious oral health issues. But if you are already going through any of these issues or one of the main problem which is dental implants you can consider going for dental implants in Ghaziabad or even there are plethora of options which brings back the smile you hide becuase of dental issues, so for that you can opt for cosmetic dentistry in Delhi. Above all these prevention is better than cure and because of that you should avoid these five foods which will prevent any damage which may occur to your gums in future.

1. Hard Candy: You already know that sugar leads to all sorts of oral problems to both your teeth and gums. Bacteria consumes sugar and turn into acid which is bad for gums and teeth. Hard candy has plenty of sugar but sharp pieces of candy may stab your gums and cause damage and even they can lead to chipped or broken teeth in some sases as well.

2. Ice Cream: Ice cream poses risks to your gums. The most obvious is the sugar it contains. However the cold temperature can also irritates areas where your gums may have already suffered damage or receded.

3.Fruit Juice: So many people think that fruit juice is healthy because it is made out of fruits but little they know that it contains vitamin C among many other vitamins and minirals. Some juices such as tomato juice and those which comes from citrus fruits have a high concentration of acid which can cause the standard tooth and gum issues and also create painful canker sores.

4. Soda: Soda is a big offender when it comes to poor gum health. Regular sodas contain plenty of acid and sugar which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Above that caffeinated sodas cause dry mouth which raises your risk of gum disease because saliva isn’t sweeping bad bacteria out of your mouth. Tooth decay can cause a major damage and because of which you will have to go for dental implants, to know more like the cost of dental implant in Mayur Vihar you can visit City Dental Care.

5.Starchy Carbs: Pasta, bread and similar starches pose a few threats to your gums. For one, starches quickly turn into sugar which is of course bad for teeth and gums. Additionally, these foods quickly get stuck in your teeth leading to further tooth and gum problems.

Though you don’t need to cut on these foods completely but make sure to keep check on foods you eat and keep things in moderation. Also proper brushing, rinsing and regular dental checkups are the best way to maintain your oral health and hygiene.

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