A Sketchbook for the City to Come: The Pop-up as R&D

Dan Hill
Dark Matter and Trojan Horses


Ed. This piece first published at cityofsound.com on October 2nd 2015, and follows an earlier post on this set of essays, which also features ‘The Commodification of Everything’ for ‘SQM’ and ‘Urban Parasites, Data-Driven Urbanism, and the Case for Architecture’ for A+U. This one was first published as:

It was an honour either way. But it was a particular honour to be asked to contribute a piece to Architectural Design journal by guest editor Leon Van Schaik. Leon is professor in architecture at RMIT University in Melbourne (where I’m an adjunct professor) and a huge influence on architects and architecture in Australia, and well beyond. Leon has, for a couple of decades, shaped the evolution of the city of Melbourne itself, via his design, curation, and stewardship of the university’s buildings programme, which he’s strategically used as a lever to also enable a generation of brilliant Melbourne architects to emerge, each given the chance to work on significant institutional buildings through that innovative procurement strategy (there are a couple of books about



Dan Hill
Dark Matter and Trojan Horses

Designer, urbanist, etc. Director of Melbourne School of Design. Previously, Swedish gov, Arup, UCL IIPP, Fabrica, Helsinki Design Lab, BBC etc