Weekly Report #9 — 2017.09.03

City of Zion
4 min readSep 6, 2017


City of Zion (CoZ) is a global community of open source enthusiasts, with the shared goal of helping NEO achieve its full potential. CoZ primarily operates through the community Slack and CoZ Github, central places where the community shares knowledge and contributes to projects.

CoZ is neither a corporation, nor a consulting firm or a devshop / for-hire group.


There is no formal process in joining CoZ. Interested individuals will have to do the work first, where the submitted code will have to be licensed under the MIT License. Consistent contributors will become eligible to join the CoZ organization, and begin collaborating on projects. The governance process of this organization can be found here.


Since its inception, the CoZ Council has been in close contact with the NEO Council. The NEO Council provides support to the community, in the form of NEO rewards, which CoZ redistributes weekly. For individuals who are interested in financially supporting CoZ development, our donation address is AXSoNQEKjmqPBNPg5cNrHyWivfjok3Vj9D.

Moving forward, CoZ Council members are excluded from any weekly NEO rewards, and CoZ competitions. This week, 345 NEO were awarded for the following contributions to the NEO ecosystem.

Week in Review

This week has been an intense one, and the CoZ Council is fully aware of the recent updates, regarding regulation. NEO is an open source project, currently supported by a large, and growing global community. In the upcoming months, NEO will do far more than power a couple of crowdfunding token sales. The CoZ Council envision that distributed applications (dApps) launched on NEO will spread far beyond the borders of any country.

Without a doubt, the digitization of assets, contracts, and financial instruments will continue to poliferate, given the scale at which the global economy operates. CoZ members are working hard to make NEO, the chosen platform for the future smart economy.

We are pleased to announce that CoZ Council members will begin transitioning to full time work, on CoZ activities. Beginning this month, a few CoZ Council members will announce full time commitment to CoZ, with more to follow over the next few months. This will allow us to accelerate our efforts to improve NEO, and concentrate on the mission of building a strong, vibrant community for developers.

Furthermore, CoZ Council would like to thank the NEO Council for their unwavering trust, and contributions to this group. Without their support and focus, it would have been impossible for CoZ Council members to transition into full time work.


Stack Exchange:

We need experienced Stack Exchange users (with more than 200 reputation) that want to be active in our community, to commit to the proposal. You can do so here.

Upcoming dApp Competition:

On Weekly Report #10 (September 11th), CoZ will be launching its first dApp competition, to drive interest for dApp creation on the NEO platform. Each CoZ Council member has agreed to provide 1500 GAS from the community development fund, totaling 13500 GAS as prizes, for the winning applications.

We hope that the soft launch of our upcoming dApp competition will spark further learning, and sharing of insights on the #develop channel (NEO Slack).

Core (neo-project/neo):

  • Neo Unit Tests — Ongoing testing of the core Neo project

Admin Portal (neo-admin-portal):

  • Ongoing development of new features (support helpdesk)

dApp Template (dApp-MEAN)

  • RPC support
  • Network sync
  • npm module to follow

Neon Wallet (neon-wallet):

  • Alpha release 0.0.5
  • Multi-account support / save encrypted keys using NEP2
  • Generated encrypted NEP2 keys
  • Settings page to manage saved keys and block explorer
  • Logging of public information for debugging and performance
  • Multiple login options from Neon dashboard
  • Settings page to control block explorer, export and import key recovery files

Mobile Wallet (Android/IOS):

  • Testing of functionality
  • Refactor code
  • Add QoL functionalities
  • Working on import functionality to import from other wallets (db3, json)
  • Working on Address Book to save addresses
  • First tests on iOS

Neo Java (neo-java):

  • Neo Smart Contract Video tutorial

Neon JS SDK (neon-js):

  • Finalize NEP2 support and add tests

Neo Python (neo-python):

  • Improved P2P node reliability and speed (testnet syncs in 20 mins, mainnet in 3 hours)
  • Added basic wallet functionality (create, import/export WIF, send/receive, inspect, rebuild)
  • Added docker file

Blockchain Explorer (neo-scan):

  • Code review — Optimization & bug fixes
  • New design concept

Neo Swift SDK (neo-swift):

  • All blockchain read operations
  • Cryptographic wallet generation (private key, wif, address, public address)
  • Send asset transaction for both NEO and GAS
  • First step towards native NEO applications on iOS and macOS


  • Japanese translation of consensus, node, API documentation
  • English version of dBFT paper

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City of Zion

Weekly Reports | City of Zion (CoZ) is an independent, international group of open source developers working on NEO blockchain.