Septic Tank Cleanout

How Do I Find My Septic Tank Cleanout?

Ram Babu
3 min readMay 22, 2023

Regular maintenance of your septic system is crucial for its proper functioning and longevity. One essential aspect of septic tank maintenance is locating and accessing the cleanout, which allows for easy inspection, pumping, and troubleshooting. In this article, we will guide you through the process of finding your septic tank cleanout, ensuring that you can efficiently maintain your septic system.

Understanding the Septic System:

Before we delve into locating the cleanout, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how a septic system works. A septic system consists of a septic tank, which collects and treats wastewater from your home, and a drain field, where the treated water is released into the soil. The septic tank acts as a settling chamber, allowing solid waste to settle at the bottom while letting the liquid portion flow into the drain field.

Locating the Septic Tank:

To find your septic tank cleanout, you first need to locate the septic tank itself. The septic tank is typically buried underground, so it may require some detective work to find it. Here are a few methods to help you in your search:

As-built drawings or records: If you have access to the original building plans or records, they may provide valuable information on the septic system’s location. These documents often include a septic system diagram indicating the tank’s position relative to your house.

Visual clues: Look for any visible signs above ground that could indicate the septic tank’s location. These may include depressions, patches of lush vegetation, or areas with different soil texture. Additionally, septic tank lids are typically made of concrete or plastic and can sometimes be visible near the surface.

Consult professionals: If you’re unable to locate the septic tank on your own, consider hiring a professional septic service company. They have specialized equipment, such as ground-penetrating radar or electronic locating devices, that can help identify the tank’s exact position.

Finding the Cleanout: Once you have located the septic tank, the cleanout is usually located nearby. The cleanout is an access point designed for maintenance purposes, such as pumping or inspecting the tank. Here’s how you can find the cleanout:

Look for a rectangular or round-shaped cap: The cleanout is typically covered by a cap that can be unscrewed or lifted off. It is usually made of plastic or concrete and may have a handle or a square nut for easy removal.

Check around the septic tank: Examine the area around the septic tank for any protruding pipes or inspection ports. The cleanout is usually connected to one of these pipes, which leads to the tank. Follow the pipes to find the cleanout.

Consult professional help: If you’re unsure about the cleanout’s location or encounter any difficulties, it’s best to consult a professional septic service provider. They have the expertise and experience to quickly locate and access the cleanout without causing any damage.

Maintaining your septic system is essential for its proper functioning, and locating the cleanout is a crucial step in the maintenance process. By following the methods mentioned above, you should be able to find your septic tank cleanout with relative ease. Remember, if you’re unsure or encounter any challenges, it’s always best to seek assistance from a professional to ensure the safe and efficient maintenance of your septic system.

