C J Maybery
1 min readSep 2, 2016


There are two forms of governance — democracy and dictatorship. That is it. And by democracy I don’t mean the Greek style democracy I mean mass participatory democracy. Everything else is dictatorship.

All of the ideals you outline are great, but my personal belief is that the only road to salvation is through education.

We can educate each other — not in one or other political doctrine but in the skills of critical analysis and debate. The things they learn in private schools.

We can all teach ourselves and each other that. We can all teach our kids that. To question. To analyse. To be suspicious rather than deferential to authority. To understand that the media and advertisers and celebrities are all trying to manufacture our consent to a system that doesn’t work for us.

It will shift how we consume. How we vote. Who we vote for. What we invest in. How we learn. What we believe. Our values. It will empower people into politics.

It’s a one mind at a time struggle. Its about each of us taking on individual responsibility for enlightening others to being critical — even of us. Of each other. Challenge everything. Demand evidence. Demand debate. Be humble.

