National Historic Landmark: Missouri Botanical Garden and Its Acres of Horticultural Unveiling

Cathy Coombs
4 min readNov 30, 2022

The founder was Henry Shaw

Tower Grove House is seen here behind a hedge maze. Andrew Balet, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

The Missouri Botanical Garden is located at 4344 Shaw Boulevard in St. Louis, Missouri. It’s been referred to as Shaw’s Garden after founder and philanthropist, Henry Shaw. The land housing the garden was previously owned by Shaw. The image above also includes Shaw’s estate house from 1850, an Italian Renaissance villa, that’s next to Tower Grove Park. One could say Shaw was the first president of this garden until he died in 1889.

The Missouri Botanical Garden was founded in 1859. It’s a National Historic Landmark and is one of the oldest operating botanical gardens in the U.S. On November 19, 1971, this botanical garden was listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The garden is also a fourth subdistrict of the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District as of 1983. Cultural festivals also take place annually in the garden.

Seiwa-en Japanese Garden, Missouri Botanical Garden. Daderot, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Acres of horticultural unveiling

The Missouri Botanical Garden is a place for research and education. Those who live nearby must consider it like an oasis in…



Cathy Coombs

Writer, content writer, author. I love stories that share history and the stories they give birth to. Website: