10 Reasons Why You Aren’t Reaching Your Goals.

Caroline Klare
4 min readApr 12, 2020


Everyone has goals that they want to achieve, but aren’t reaching them. Why? In this article, I am explaining 10 reasons as to WHY you aren’t reaching your goals.

  1. Your goals are too overwhelming. The goals that you have made are HUGE! Instead of having a goal to build a house, break it down into smaller, more achievable goals such as: Pick a color theme for a house, choose a backsplash for the kitchen, or decide how many bedrooms and bathrooms you would like to have in your house.
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2. You didn’t write it down. Keep yourself accountable. Write down your goal or goals and create a way to keep track of your progress.

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3. Your goals aren’t realistic. Just because they are goals, doesn’t mean you can do the impossible. You cannot lose 20 pounds in a week. Make your goals realistic. You can lose half a pound a week if you stick to your goals.

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4. You aren’t self-disciplining. You need to be holding yourself accountable for your actions to make sure you are staying focused, engaged, and on task.

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5. Your goals aren’t S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Your goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluative, and Revisable. Let’s break this down:

Specific- Who, what, when, where, how long. Ask all of the questions and answer them.

Measureable- How will you know when you have reached your goal? Decide how you will determine this, and keep a record along the way.

Attainable- Can you actually reach your goal? Is it realistic or way out there?

Relevant- Does it fit who you are and who you want to become in your future? Is it relatable to your work and interests?

Time-Bound- Set a time and date that you wish to achieve your goal by. If it is a long-term goal, such as a year, break it down into smaller goals every few weeks or months that will overall work towards the long-term goal.

Evaluative- How will you evaluate your progress throughout your journey? If you feel stuck, you may have to re-evaluate your goal.

Revisable- Once you create a goal, it doesn’t have to be set in stone. As you progress, your body, mind, area, thoughts, and personality will change. Allow your goals to change with you.

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6. You aren’t rewarding yourself. Some goals are much larger than others, but if you aren’t willing to reward yourself for each successful step you take, you won’t remain motivated to achieve your goals.

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7. You aren’t making it a habit. To keep progressing forward with your goals, it’s best to create a habit that will work toward achievements.

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8. You don’t know your “why”. Why are you setting a goal? For what reason?

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9. You aren’t being patient. Patience is KEY! Good things will come to those who wait.

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10. And finally, your goals aren’t INSPIRED goals. Take your dreams, you interests, your #goals, anything that you think is just a dream, and take it out of your mind and put it on paper. Literally make your dreams come true.

Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash



Caroline Klare

Hello! My name is Caroline & I enjoy writing about lifestyle as a young adult and college student! I’m a Student Meteorologist at Indiana University. Let’s go!