8 Awesome Ideas to Be an Effective Teacher

Raveena Joe
3 min readSep 15, 2021


Teaching is a very noble profession”, as said by Indian former president Late. Dr.APJ.Abdul Kalam.

Teachers are our second mothers when we step into the nursery at the age of three or four. They teach us to read and write. More importantly, they are the one who lays the foundation for our character, confidence, and individuality. Teachers identify our passion, even before we realize it, and make us focus on our future.

An effective teacher creates an influence throughout our life. His teaching is not restricted to books and the curriculum. Whatever heights you may reach in your life you will never forget the teacher who built you.

To be one such effective teacher, here are eight awesome ideas to follow.

Idea 1 Spread Positivity

Always have a positive attitude towards your students. Use positive words while having a conversation with them. Be it the curriculum or any general interaction, make sure your words have a positive vibe on them. You may have a bad day but don’t let your own emotions control your words. No one can ever take back a word from a students’ mind.

Image Source: prodigygame.com

Idea 2 Do you Smile?

Some teachers never smile in front of their students to show that they are very disciplined and devoted to teaching. But actually, it creates a negative vibe around them and the students hesitate to approach them. Always smile at your students like a fellow human being. You’ll be loved.

Idea 3 Be a good listener

As you expect your students to listen to you, you should also listen to them when they try to explain their thoughts. Be patient until they finish, take a minute or two, and then respond. A good listener is a good teacher.

Idea 4 Have Selective Amnesia

Always forget your students’ mistakes then and there. Never be judgemental of them based on their past. Once they may be wrong but it doesn’t mean they are always. Give them some time and space to correct themselves.

Idea 5 Believe

Believe in your students’ potential. Identify their strength and weakness. Help them to improve their strength and overcome their weakness. This helps to build up their confidence.

Idea 6 Be Supportive and Friendly

Students’ have many friends in their life but having a friendly teacher is very fortunate. You need not be a friend to your students’, instead, you can have a healthy friendly relationship with your students. Encourage them in their work, help them overcome shyness, motivate them to do new creative works, and always be for them.

Image Source:mymodulator.com

Idea 7 Love Teaching

Enter the classroom with confidence. Prepare your lesson plan well in advance. Grab your students’ attention with real-time examples and stories. Organize your notes and time. Don’t be fast as the hare and don’t be slow as the tortoise. Convey your ideas at the correct pace. Be energetic and be interactive. Ask questions, take questions, and have good communication.

Idea 8 Life Long Learning

“What one knows is only a handful, whereas the unknown is the size of the world”, as said by a Tamil poet. So keep on learning. Update your knowledge with current inventions and technologies to light up the younger generation.

Are you ready to create an impact on your students’ life? You can definitely if you follow these ideas.

However, you can have your own style in teaching the concepts, communicating with students, handling students’ issues in a classroom, supporting students, motivating, and building up the future generation. Happy Teaching!!!

