Did you know: Education in Black Canada

Dr. Justine Cleophas Pierre
1 min readDec 2, 2023


By Dr. Cleophas Justine Pierre: data from the ACBN Labour Market Needs Assessment Survey https://acbncanada.com/first-ever-labour-market-needs-assessment-for-black-businesses-in-canada-has-been-launched/

Black Ontarians are approximately as academically successful as their white counterparts,

according to Statistics Canada's 2021 Census data,

For Ontarians ages 25 and up, while high school graduation rates are slightly lower among Black Ontarians, at 92.8% compared to 93.3% of all Ontarians, they are still higher than the national average of 89% (Statistics Canada, 2022).

Furthermore, 70% of Black Ontarians in the workforce hold a post-secondary certificate,

diploma, or degree, compared to 69.3% of white Ontarians.

One-third of Black Ontarians have achieved a Bachelor’s degree or higher, which is on par with their white counterparts.

Despite facing systemic barriers, Black Ontarians’ educational achievement levels are not significantly different from those of their white counterparts.



Dr. Justine Cleophas Pierre

Dr. Justine Pierre is a Labour Market and Migration Consultant, specializing in the fields of Labour Statistics, Employment, Underemployment and Unemployment.