North Dakota: Fear-mongering Campaign Ads

The irresponsibility of using fear in campaigns.

3 min readNov 6, 2018


Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

Political ads: my least favorite campaign platform. They dominate the radio, television and even sneak their way into Hulu and YouTube. And they play over and over again, as if they could just drill the phrase “Heidi Heitkamp doesn’t vote like North Dakota” into my head. These ads allow zero discussion and don’t keep voter interest in mind.

This person is bad!!!


Really really bad!

Okay well —

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If you haven’t been following North Dakota politics, let me catch you up. In the midterm elections, Senator Heidi Heitkamp is our defending champion and Kevin Cramer is the challenger. Heidi has been behind Cramer in the polls and Cramer is hugely endorsed by Trump. Oh and we’re disenfranchising Native American voters.

As I’m sure the rest of you are, we are being plagued with political ads. The same ones over and over again. They are either extremely cheesy or insulting. But the worst ones inspire fear. It is a really dangerous thing to use fear in political ads. But it does work. Republicans can drum up some scary statistics about illegal immigration and insist to us that we have…

