How Shootin’ The Shorts Is Changing the Game for Short Scriptwriters and Filmmakers

CJ Walley
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2015


I’m a huge supporter of writing short films and offering them free to produce to up-and-coming filmmakers. I won’t go into too much detail, but rather point you in the direction of my 30 Ways Writing Shorts Made Me A Better Writer blog over on Stage 32 for a list of the many benefits I get from writing these. To conclude, I feel shorts are currently one of the best ways screenwriters can hone their craft, network, gain experience, and build credits.

Sadly getting shorts into the hands of actors, directors, and producers is a whole other issue. Few sites cater specifically for shorts, and while some of the better ones such as Stage 32, InkTip, and SimplyScripts offer the facility to list short scripts, it’s a case of adding your logline into the busy mix. The current situation is that those with the most to offer in terms of short screenplays have the toughest time gaining exposure as many are new writers struggling to network.

Enter the Shootin’ The Shorts, previously a part of Simply Scripts and now a whole section of Script Revolution, a resource that’s dedicated to bridging the gap between short filmmakers and short script writers.



CJ Walley

Screenwriter | Film Producer | Founder of Script Revolution & Rebelle Rouser | Author of Turn & Burn