How I Pulled Myself Out of a Depressive Episode Using R.E.S.T.

Conquering depression with the transformative R.E.S.T. technique

Chantal Kathleen
Readers Hope
6 min readAug 23, 2023


Photo by Dominic Sansotta on Unsplash

Life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies; sometimes, it’s more like a torrential downpour on a Monday morning.

If you’ve ever battled depressive episodes, you know that feeling carrying around a cloud that just won’t lift.

Personally, I’m all too familiar with the feeling.

One of the worst aspects of depression, in my experience, is that feeling of being stuck — the sensation that this miserable, hopeless state is going to last forever, and there’s seemingly no way out.

But fortunately, I stumbled upon a concept that has been a game-changer for me.

It comes from DBT or Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and it’s called the R.E.S.T. technique (McKay et al., 2007).

And in this article, I’m sharing its four components and how I use them to lift myself up when I’m feeling low.

Relax (R) — Embrace Your Comfort Zone

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

This step is all about finding your calm when your emotions threaten to overwhelm you (McKay et al., 2007).

In my experience, it’s about intercepting those emotions before they push me to a point of no return — where I’m either uncontrollably sobbing or staring blankly at the wall, unable to move.

When I sense my emotions spiralling, I know it’s time to reroute them.

One of the key things I want to achieve in this article is to make these steps practical and concrete.

So, when I mention “reaching for your comfort zone,” it’s about having a predetermined go-to, something you know will help.

For me, that’s Taylor Swift.

Music has an uncanny ability to soothe me. When I feel the edge of that emotional precipice, I turn on her music.

It might mean having an impromptu dance party in my kitchen or soaking in a hot bath with her songs playing softly in the background.

Regardless, Taylor’s music effectively pulls me out of my own head.

I urge you to identify your own comfort zone.

It could be a beloved book, a favourite movie, or a go-to TV show.

So, when the emotions start to get overwhelming, you’ll have a lifeboat ready!

Evaluate (E) — Questioning the Darkness

Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

Negative thoughts are like uninvited guests crashing the party in your head.

They might make you feel like you’re the world’s leading burden — I can certainly relate to that feeling.

But from my own experience, I’ve realized that these thoughts are often far from the truth.

In fact, they’re almost never the case.

This step is all about seeking out evidence to dismantle those hurtful ideas and shutting down those negative emotions.

So, grab a journal or open a notes app and jot down these unwanted thoughts.

Now, let’s challenge them.

Recall moments when someone showered you with compliments or affection.

Jot these instances down as your arsenal against the negative thoughts (McKay et al., 2007).

I’ll be real with you — this step can be quite a challenge for me too.

I struggle to believe the kind words people say about me. But leading by example is important to me.

For instance, my most recurring negative thoughts revolve around feeling like a burden and genuinely causing problems for others.

To counter these thoughts, I remember the countless times my partner Steve tells me he loves me, and how my best friends have never hesitated to reach out when they needed support.

These reminders serve as my shield when those negative thoughts try to sneak in.

They’re my proof that I’m loved, needed, and valued.

Set an Intention (S) — Prioritize Your Growth

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Imagine this intention as a GPS for your emotional journey.

It’s tough to keep moving forward without a goal in mind.

Personally, I find that setting clear goals and intentions is like my map — it keeps me from getting lost and ending up back in bed, staring at the wall.

For me, this involves pinpointing how I want to feel and figuring out what steps I can take to actually reach those feelings.

When I really dig into it, I realize I want to feel fulfilled, curious, and helpful.

I aim to take pride in my actions, constantly learn, and make a positive impact on others.

These values steer my choices. Writing, for example, resonates with me.

Each article I write brings a sense of accomplishment, learning, and the joy of helping others.

It’s like ticking all the boxes at once. So, take some time to ponder how you want to feel and how these core values can serve as your compass (McKay et al., 2007).

Take Action (T) — Embrace Activities that Lift You

Photo by Jeremy Dorrough on Unsplash

Now comes, at least for me, the most intimidating part of this whole process: actually, taking action.

As a perfectionist, taking that first step can be quite a challenge.

However, I’m thrilled to say that you reading this right now serves as evidence of my commitment to follow through.

This is where the value of the third step truly shines — it’s all about crafting an action plan and bravely taking that initial step (McKay et al., 2007).

For me, it means setting a crystal-clear goal, breaking it down into achievable milestones, and going all in.

You see, if it’s not laid out in specific detail, I tend to get overwhelmed by a barrage of decisions and might just call it quits.

For example, I used my values to guide me towards writing here on Medium, and here were my steps:

1. Create an account and fill out my profile.

2. Write a draft of a personal story.

3. Edit the draft.

4. Publish the story.

And voila, that’s how my first published story came to be.

Now, I’m in the process of building up my library of articles and forging meaningful connections with fellow writers.

I’m achieving this by committing to publish at least one article every week and engaging with a minimum of five new writers daily.

So, use your values as a compass to select a tangible goal, create simple and actionable steps, and take that leap.

I’ll admit, it might be scary, but I assure you, you’ve got this!


In the midst of life’s downpours, when the weight of that uninvited cloud threatens to pull you under, remember that you possess the power to weather the storm.

I’ve found that the R.E.S.T. technique offers a lifeline, guiding you through the darkest moments.

Embrace your comfort zone, challenge the negative narratives, set intentions that align with your values, and bravely take those steps forward (McKay et al., 2007).

Each component is a piece of your own personalized lifeboat, ready to navigate the emotional currents.

The journey might be intimidating, but the rewards are immeasurable.

So, as you embark on this path of self-discovery and resilience, hold onto the knowledge that you’re not alone.

You’re armed with the tools to lift yourself up and emerge stronger on the other side. You’ve got this — one step at a time.

Hi, my name is Chantal Kathleen and I write about mental health, wellness, and organization! If you found this article helpful I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments and if you want to see more like this be sure to follow my page! ❤️


McKay, M. P., Wood, J. C., & Brantley, J. (2007). The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook : Practical DBT Exercises for learning mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation & Distress Tolerance.



Chantal Kathleen
Readers Hope

I write about mental health, self-care and productivity! I just hope that my writing can make a difference in people's lives and bring them more happiness.❤️