Implementing Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) in Deep Learning

Chamuditha Kekulawala
6 min readJul 7, 2024


If you followed along the pervious article, you know where neural networks came from, what their architecture is and how to compute their outputs, and you also learned about the backpropagation algorithm. But what exactly can you do with them?

Regression MLPs

First, MLPs can be used for regression tasks. If you want to predict a single value (e.g., the price of a house given many of its features), then you just need a single output neuron: its output is the predicted value. For multivariate regression (i.e., to predict multiple values at once), you need one output neuron per output dimension.

For example, to locate the center of an object on an image, you need to predict 2D coordinates, so you need two output neurons. If you also want to place a bounding box around the object, then you need two more numbers: the width and the height of the object. So you end up with 4 output neurons. In general, when building an MLP for regression,

  • You do not want to use any activation function for the output neurons, so they are free to output any range of values. However, if you want to guarantee that the output will always be positive, then you can use the ReLU activation function, or the softplus activation function in the output layer.
  • If you want to guarantee that the predictions will fall within a given range of values, then you can use the logistic function or the hyperbolic tangent, and scale the labels to the appropriate range: 0 to 1 for the logistic function, or –1 to 1 for the hyperbolic tangent.
  • The loss function to use during training is typically the mean squared error, but if you have a lot of outliers in the training set, you may prefer to use the mean absolute error instead. Alternatively, you can use the Huber loss, which is a combination of both.

The Huber loss is quadratic when the error is smaller than a threshold δ (typically 1), but linear when the error is larger than δ. This makes it less sensitive to outliers than the mean squared error, and it is often more precise and converges faster than the mean absolute error.

Classification MLPs

MLPs can also be used for classification tasks. For a binary classification problem, you just need a single output neuron using the logistic activation function: the output will be a number between 0 and 1, which you can interpret as the estimated probability of the positive class. Obviously, the estimated probability of the negative class is equal to one minus that number.

MLPs can also easily handle multilabel binary classification tasks. For example, you could have an email classification system that predicts whether each incoming email is ham or spam, and simultaneously predicts whether it is an urgent or non-urgent email. In this case, you would need two output neurons, both using the logistic activation function: the first would output the probability that the email is spam and the second would output the probability that it is urgent.

More generally, you would dedicate one output neuron for each positive class. Note that the output probabilities do not necessarily add up to one. This lets the model output any combination of labels: you can have non-urgent ham, urgent ham, non-urgent spam, and perhaps even urgent spam (although that would probably be an error) 😅.

If each instance can belong only to a single class, out of 3 or more possible classes (e.g., classes 0 through 9 for digit image classification), then you need to have one output neuron per class, and you should use the softmax activation function for the whole output layer:

The softmax function will ensure that all the estimated probabilities are between 0 and 1 and that they add up to one (which is required if the classes are exclusive). This is called multiclass classification.

Softmax Regression

Softmax regression is a generalization of the Logistic Regression model, so that it can support multiple classes directly, without having to train and combine multiple binary classifiers.

The idea is quite simple: when given an instance x, the Softmax Regression model first computes a score sk(x) for each class k, then estimates the probability of each class by applying the Softmax function (also called the normalized exponential) to the scores.

Once you have computed the score of every class for the instance x, you can estimate the probability pk that the instance belongs to class k by running the scores through the Softmax function: it computes the exponential of every score, then normalizes them (dividing by the sum of all the exponentials). The scores are generally called logits.

Just like the Logistic Regression classifier, the Softmax Regression classifier predicts the class with the highest estimated probability (which is simply the class with the highest score).

Regarding the loss function, since we are predicting probability distributions, the cross-entropy (also called the log loss) is generally a good choice. This is because it penalizes the model when it estimates a low probability for a target class. Cross entropy is frequently used to measure how well a set of estimated class probabilities match the target classes.


Regression MLPS:

Classification MLPs:

Implementing MLPs with Keras

Keras is a high-level Deep Learning API that allows you to easily build, train, evaluate and execute all sorts of neural networks. Its documentation (or specification) is available at At the present, you can choose from three popular open source deep learning libraries: TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) or Theano.

Moreover, TensorFlow itself now comes bundled with its own Keras implementation called tf.keras. It only supports TensorFlow as the backend, but it has the advantage of offering some very useful extra features.

For example, it supports TensorFlow’s Data API which makes it quite easy to load and preprocess data efficiently.

The sequential API

This is the simplest kind of Keras model, for neural networks that are just composed of a single stack of layers, connected sequentially.

Functional API

One example of a non-sequential neural network is a Wide & Deep neural network. This neural network architecture was introduced in a 2016 paper. It connects all or part of the inputs directly to the output layer:

This architecture makes it possible for the neural network to learn both deep patterns (using the deep path) and simple rules (through the short path). In contrast, a regular MLP forces all the data to flow through the full stack of layers, thus simple patterns in the data may end up being distorted by this sequence of transformations.

Subclassing API

Both the Sequential API and the Functional API are declarative: you start by declaring which layers you want to use and how they should be connected, and only then can you start feeding the model some data for training or inference. This has many advantages:

  • The model can easily be saved, cloned, shared, its structure can be displayed and analyzed, the framework can infer shapes and check types, so errors can be caught early (i.e., before any data ever goes through the model).
  • It’s also fairly easy to debug, since the whole model is just a static graph of layers.

But the flip side is just that: it’s static. Some models involve loops, varying shapes, conditional branching, and other dynamic behaviors. For such cases, or simply if you prefer a more imperative programming style, the Subclassing API is for you.

That’s all for MLPs! In the next article let’s talk about Deep Neural Networks. Thanks for reading 🎉

