Card Kingdom Union
2 min readApr 21, 2022

Card Kingdom Employees Begin Campaign for Unionization and Collective Bargaining

Card Kingdom,

We are formally inviting you to the bargaining table. Your actions, lack of empathy, lack of transparency and general mismanagement go against our core values. Card Kingdom needs an overhaul and re-examination of its value system, together we can align our values.

We unfortunately do not feel included in your “Campfire Capitalism.” You express that you want us to be a 30% shareholder, and yet we are constantly kept in the dark. We are asking to be treated with the same respect and care you would show to an external shareholder. We want to be given the same relevant information.

We acknowledge the hurdles faced in recent years; however, this notion that our wages and your ESOP contributions are stunted due to the pandemic is blatantly false. Our revenue hit a new peak during the past two years. Our wages, benefits, and ESOP contributions do not reflect this. Management openly admits that our current system is broken, and yet there are no offers for solutions.

We are extending a hand and offering a solution. Below is a list of our demands, which we would be happy to discuss at the bargaining table.

We look forward to finding a solution for the future, together.


Card Kingdom Employee Shareholders


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1. We demand a living wage.

2. We demand a commitment to future wage increases.

3. We demand the removal of wage caps and pay bands.

4. We demand meaningful raises.

5. We demand to share in the financial success of Card Kingdom.


1. We demand an Employee Wellness benefits program.

2. We demand the ability to take unpaid time off.

3. We demand flexible schedules and hours.

4. We demand more paid holidays.


1. We demand a policy re-examination and overhaul.

2. We demand the ability to have input on future policy changes.

3. We demand transparency on long-term plans and goals for Card Kingdom.


1. We demand access to professional development programs.

2. We demand diversity and equal opportunity at all levels within the company.

Please sign this petition to show your solidarity.