Meeting the Financial Requirements for a UK Spouse Visa Through Savings

Jennifer Smith
2 min readJul 5, 2024


Financial Requirements For UK Spouse Visa

To obtain a UK Spouse Visa, one must meet financial requirements to ensure they can support themselves and their spouse without public funding. While a regular income is a common way to meet these requirements, substantial savings can also be used. Here’s how you can use savings to meet the 2024 financial requirements for a UK Spouse Visa.

Required Savings

  • A minimum of £16,000 in savings is needed.
  • The total savings required are calculated as follows:
  • [(Annual Income Shortfall x 2.5) + £16,000]

For the current financial threshold (£29,000), you need savings of £88,500 to compensate for the income shortfall. If the threshold increases to £34,500 later in 2024, you will need £102,250. For 2025, with a threshold of £38,700, you will need £112,750.

Savings Rules

  • The savings must be in cash, in a personal or joint account, and easily accessible.
  • The account must be with a regulated financial institution.
  • The savings must have been held for at least six months before the application.
  • The source of the savings must be disclosed and can include inheritances or gifts.

Calculating Income Requirements

If your savings are between £16,000 and £88,500, you can use them to meet the financial requirements. If less than £88,500, you will need additional income sources to fill the gap.
For example:

  • £25,000 in savings: (£25,000 — £16,000) ÷ 2.5 = £3,600. You need an additional £25,400.
  • £40,000 in savings: (£40,000 — £16,000) ÷ 2.5 = £9,600. You need an additional £19,400.

2024 Financial Requirement Updates

  • After April 2024, the minimum income requirement will be £29,000.
  • The threshold will increase to £34,500 later in 2024 and £38,700 in 2025.
  • Applications before April 2024 will be assessed using the prior £18,600 requirement.

Getting Professional Help

Navigating UK immigration rules can be complex. At Claim Time Immigration, their dedicated solicitors specialize in UK family and spouse visas. They assist with eligibility, applications, and addressing visa refusals or appeals.
For expert advice, contact them at 0800 970 2727 or via their online enquiry form. Visit their website for more detailed information. They can help ensure a smooth and successful visa application process for your family.

