New Release on WE ARE TESTERS— July 22nd 2016

Claire Bertrand
3 min readJul 22, 2016


Here is a summary of today’s release on WE ARE TESTERS.

1. Bugs and Suggestions are considered as 2 different types of report

Everyone would agree a bug and a suggestion are different information. Depending on the client and the time of this QA campaign, some prefer to have only bug reports, other prefer to have both.

The report itself is unchanged!

In order to report a bug or a suggestion, you create a report as usual. To mark a report as a suggestion, you have to select the option “suggestion” in the “severity” field (see below).

Select “Suggestion” in “Severity” field

What is different then?

The value of a suggestion is separated from other bug reports.
You can check bug and suggestion prices before you access the bugtracker.

Value for suggestions


  1. If the value of suggestion is 0€ it probably means the client is not interested by suggestions during this mission. Probably he has an urgent launch after the campaign.
  2. On the opposite, if the value of suggestions is above the value of bug reports, it probably means, the customer is mainly looking for feedbacks to improve his product.

Definition of a suggestion: (to avoid misunderstanding in the future :-D)

A suggestion is a recommandation regarding a behaviour that actually works (or that is compliant with the specifications) but that is not optimized or confusing or misleading for the users. You can refer to web standards (or you can mention an example of a user-friendly behaviour you have experienced on other websites/apps).
Remember you have to convince the client that what you suggest is better for the user than what is currently developed.

Please note it doesn’t apply to current missions (starts with mission #25 and above).

2. UX optimisation on the bug report

The fields “Section” and “Summary” are now on the same line.

It was a waste of space to have them on 2 separate lines. Section and Summary are very close piece of information. Learn more with our article “Chapter 1: How to write a flawless summary”.

3. Bugfixes

We’ve fixed some bugs that you may have experienced about adding your devices or applying to missions:

  1. The Unique ID was absent for Android and iOS Tablets but visible when editing Windows Phone mobiles and tablets. It’s all fixed now you can add your devices.
  2. Mission application process: on the popin where you are asked for your PayPal account (on your very first campaign only), error messages were either missing (when you didn’t provide an email address) or misleading (when the format of the email was wrong). If you have already filled in your PayPal account, you’re not concerned. Otherwise, you can also fill in or edit your PayPal account here.

Date of release : July 22nd, 2016


WE ARE TESTERS is a crowd-testing platform. We offers Quality Assurance missions to our freelance members. Our testers are highly talented QA superheroes, hand-picked by our staff during recruitment process.

