An Address in New Hampshire that leads to the Pandora Papers, the Diocese of Manchester, Child Trafficking and the CIA — How & why the New Hampshire Judiciary protects a racket.

Claire Best
23 min readMay 2, 2023


New Hampshire is home to $932.5 billion in Pandora Papers hidden accounts: Trusts, LLCs, Non-Profits. The amount is staggering. The state is also home to a very serious opioid crisis, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, family court corruption and close to 1000 suits of child sex abuse at the Sununu Youth Detention Center as well as several criminal indictments against state employees for child abuse. The state Attorney General’s office has kept a list of corrupt police officers who have been protected by the state despite being involved in horrific crimes. Freedom of Information Act requests are routinely stonewalled, ignored. The office of Public Integrity at the AG’s office is a joke — the last person in charge, Geoffrey Ward, deleted files of corrupt police officers before graduating to become a federal prosecutor.

The issues all go back decades but the same names and agencies come up again and again. It’s a comically small club of players — many who have received rewards for their services to children but who may have actually been complicit in aiding, abetting and covering up horrific abuse of those children.

Is it possible that the king pin in this corruption is actually a former Monsignor who has managed to orchestrate a global insurance racket?

One address in particular might hold the answers to New Hampshire’s Pandora Papers, Money Laundering, Child Trafficking, Medicaid Fraud, Insurance Fraud. It holds offices tied to the Department of Health and Human Services, The Catholic Church, the Department of Defense, even the CIA.

10 Ferry Street, Concord New Hampshire. Registered address for Virtus LLC, Maximus Inc, Children’s Trust Fund, Dataminr, Quest Diagnostics, Dyncorp among others.

What do we know about these companies?

  1. Virtus LLC was founded in 1999 by since defrocked Monsignor Edward Arsenault who went to jail in 2014 after pleading guilty to defrauding the Diocese of Manchester, a dead priest’s estate and a Catholic Hospital (Catholic Medical Center where he was in charge of increasing profits for the hospital). Virtus LLC is the education wing “Protecting God’s Children” under the Catholic Risk Retention Management group which was founded in Burlington Vermont in August 1987. Curiously, it was set up shortly before NH DCYF worker Sylvia Gale’s fabricated rumors about Father Gordon MacRae which she shared with a known corrupt police officer James F McLaughlin.

According to Sylvia Gale’s letter, the information was passed to her by an unnamed employee of New Hampshire Catholic Social Services who claimed that she had been told this information by her employer, Monsignor John Quinn, on condition that she would be fired if she ever divulged it.

Sylvia Gale died in 2020. NH DCYF has since been exposed for decades of cover ups of horrific child sex abuse at the Youth Detention Center which have resulted in multiple arrests for historic sex abuse at the YDC. The State has suddenly found “millions” of documents that had mysteriously gone missing all these decades.

Sylvia Gale’s claims led to the prosecution of Father Gordon MacRae and a trial in which his accusers were reportedly trained to cry by a therapist sitting at the back of a courtroom. Nevertheless, the trial provided the perfect excuse for a “Compliance Officer” (Edward Arsenault who had an accounting background) and what AG Phil McLaughlin termed “Creative solutions” to go after priest sex abuse at the Diocese. As millions were pouring out in fast settlement agreements, Arsenault was assuring parishners that insurance would cover it and the Diocese wouldn’t have to pay.

Edward Arsenault clocked up hundreds of thousands in expenses from 1999–2009 (allegedly for computers, cell phones, lunches, trips, expenses for his under age lover and meetings with journalists) and grew an multi-national insurance industry at the same time.

Meanwhile Sylvia Gale was accused of conflicts of interest regarding her activities with NH DCYF and “non-profits” with which she was involved. She appealed in 1999 and various members of NH DHHS approved her appeal. The same year NH DCYF received a letter from US DHHS Office of Inspector General complaining of accounting and lackadaisical oversight of contractors. Kathleen Kerr was legal counsel for NH DCYF at the time. Virtus LLC opened a few months after Sylvia Gale’s appeal.

Virtus LLC has dozens and dozens of companies tied to it all over the world. It appears to have grown from being just the education wing of Catholic Risk Retention Management to a massive multi-national insurance enterprise tied to Virtus Holdings. It is listed in the Pandora Papers.

In January 2014, there was a share change in the Catholic Risk Retention Management documentation. A couple of weeks later, Edward Arsenault’s crimes were published. He shook hands with assistant AG Jane Young (now US Attorney for NH) on his way to prison where he managed to somehow purchase a luxury condominium in Florida while incarcerated.

And when he was released he had a new name: Edward Bolognini which he claims is because he got married but Chat GPT (which could well be inaccurate) states it was his mother’s maiden name. Chat GPT also states he stole $500,000 from the Diocese of Manchester, not $300,000 and that he was engaged in money laundering.

Why would the Assistant Attorney General shake his hand unless she was in on it too? And I believe she was. In fact I believe that the financial rewards that Edward Arsenault created for members of NH Bar, law firms and judiciary essentially made many of them indebted to him. You only have to look at the number of companies and properties the local law firms in New Hampshire own or are tied to, to realize that something is not right and it all stems from the time when Edward Arsenault was COO of the Diocese of Manchester.

This may explain how his restitution was paid off while he was away, why he was transferred to a jail instead of prison and why he was then released on home confinement. Financial fraud of that magnitude whether $300k or $500K is significant. Shaking someone’s hand who had defrauded a place of worship, a dead priest’s estate and a hospital is not something I could ever imagine anyone doing unless they were somehow complicit in the racket and had benefited from it. The handshake seemed more of a nod-nod-wink-wink than anything else.

2. Maximus Inc is also registered at 10 Ferry Street, Concord New Hampshire. The company contracts with Catholic Charities in some states (Tennessee for example). It is highly likely that Maximus and Virtus and Catholic Risk Retention Management are in fact all intertwined. Maximus got its first no bid contract with New Hampshire in 2004 for medicaid. There have been numerous cases of medicaid fraud in New Hampshire since then.

On the board of Maximus is Kathleen Kerr who was legal counsel for New Hampshire’s DCYF when she received a letter from US DHHS OIG informing her of accounting laxity and shady deals for contracts with DCYF in 1999.

According to her bio on Maximus, Kathleen Kerr worked for NH DCYF for 12 years before joining the company. That same year in 1999, Sylvia Gale of NH DCYF appealed a conflict of interest ruling. She won the appeal — who agreed with her? Members of the DHHS — in other words, people who were working with Kathleen Kerr and presumably had something to gain from Maximus contracts and potentially Catholic Risk Retention Management insurance claims. Maximus Inc is also in the Pandora Papers with hundreds of companies all over the world. It keeps getting new contracts with New Hampshire that go up by the millions with no questions asked.

3. Children’s Trust FundThe Diocese of Manchester refers families to the Children’s Trust Fund where Lauren Noether from the AG’s office during the time of the Diocese of Manchester claims and settlements) works. It would appear that Children’s Trust Fund is also intertwined with Virtus and Maximus. It was founded in 1986 and is a quasi Government run organization that collects data on children and families although somehow when it really matters and children under state care go missing that data just disappears.

In fact for all the money that is thrown at children’s services in New Hampshire since Sylvia Gale, Edward Arsenault and Kathleen Kerr’s 1990s involvment — as Anna Carrigan in Anna Carrigan v New Hampshire pointed out — precious little seems to reach the intended recipients who are bullied, raped, abused, starved, drugged — all under state care with records deleted or lost by DCYF, YDC and the AG’s office. Not only did the State dismiss Anna Carrigan’s suit but she faced retaliation for blowing the whistle.

4. Dataminr — is essentially a spy/data software that was promoted by Beacon Global Technologies and the CIA. What does it have to do with Maximus? Quite a lot. Maximus gets contracts with the state for Medicaid, Veterans services, Title IV, among other things. It’s collecting social security numbers, private information on health and many other intimate details. Dataminr is a companion to that feeding that information to DoD and CIA I believe but neither Maximus nor Dataminr would want the general public to piece that together.

5. Quest Diagnostics — a medical lab. If you read the Maximus CAT reporting, you can see that children get referred to in treatment under Maximus. There is an incentive to remove children from their parents and put them under state care and then for state care to refer them to Maximus services which can then provide treatment including opioids etc etc. Literally turning them into drug addicted lab rats while the state’s agencies use their suffering to put their hands out for more federal grants — the only thing that seems to matter to the NHCADSV (working with DCYF and AG’s Office) and Maximus in fact.

6. Dyncorp — Department of Defense. Dyncorp was known for child sex trafficking.

Rep. Cynthia Mckiney grilled Donald Rumsfeld about the Department of Defense and child trafficking in 2005 or so.

New Hampshire, Guardian Ad Litem Kathleen Sternenberg’s daughter, became chief of staff for Donald Rumsfeld according to her wedding announcement.

Kathleen Sternenberg goes to Niagara Falls with family court judge Julie Introcaso who orders Kathleen Sternenberg to be paid using Apple Pay. Niagara Falls is a known center for trafficking children.

Kathleen Sternenberg is known for creating fake reasons to remove children from their parents in divorce proceedings. Former AG Michael Delaney stepped in as counsel for Judge Julie Introcaso and arranged for no jail time for her felony of whiting out judicial documents and failures to mention her conflicts of interest with Kathleen Sternenberg. Delaney’s wife, Caroline Delaney, is the legal counsel for CASA NH and legal counsel for the Department of Revenue. They have a stated financial interest in CASA NH which recognized Sylvia Gale for her services towards children. Delaney helped set up the Children’s Advocacy Centers. He also happened to be AG when the FRM Ponzi scheme got exposed. His office and the Banking Department were found at fault in the report.

10 Ferry Street was reported to the Boston FBI in 2016 by Audra Toop for suspected child trafficking.

However, instead of following Audra’s lead, she was then kidnapped and held hostage with no proper access to legal representation for over four years until she was eventually released with no proper explanation. Before that she had emailed various people at the NH DOJ’s office and called only to get a complete run around and reaching numbers on business cards for people not associated with the business card….for example she tried to reach head of the criminal division, Richard Head, but instead reached someone completely different. It made her start to wonder whether the NH DOJ was in fact a call center for three letter agencies running a racket with fake business titles for those involved. It’s far from professional for the head of the criminal division unit to provide numbers on a business card that lead to someone completely different and yet that is what happened. Moonlighting also appears to be common practice in Concord among public employees.

When Edward Arsenault was released from jail, he joined a new non-profit called “ReServe” and he set up new companies in Florida.

It begs the question as to whether Edward Arsenault ever was who he claimed he was: A Catholic Priest, or if he was in fact a con artist from the start — a fraudulent accountant who infiltrated the Catholic Church and realized there was an opportunity for a global insurance scam to be had that would make him and several members of the New Hampshire Bar and Judiciary rich. I believe the latter and I believe this is why there is so much secrecy in New Hampshire judicial matters and why former AG Michael Delaney stepped in to negotiate a plea deal for a judge’s felony. Corruption of the NH Judiciary seems to be the rule, not the exception with several judges being forced to resign over the years for fraud or unlawful influence.

I believe that there is a core issue behind corruption in the Family & Criminal Courts: The little discussed and carefully disguised financial incentive to coerce children, bully them, lie to them and remove them from their parents, to put them into state care or under state control and to turn them into drug addicts and lab rats. The state has failed appallingly in its handling of children and there is zero accountability because of the profits for those involved in the “Kids for Cash” type racket.

You don’t have to look very far to realize that David Vicinanzo and Gordon MacDonald who worked with Edward Arsenault to settle hundreds of claims for the diocese were also getting rich off this. And in the other direction you find Chuck Douglas III who’d been NH Supreme Court Chief Justice and knew the club, also filing dozens of claims with little to no evidence. He spoke very kindly of Arsenault when he was arrested — he would. He got rich off the association. In the 1999 Washington Post Article “A Splitting Headache” reference is made to the club like atmosphere in New Hampshire’s courts. There’s also reference to financial fraud.

It seems that between Edward Arsenault and members of the NH Bar, they bought the media as well: Boston Globe, NH Press Association, WMUR (whose reporter Amy Coveno is on the board of CASA NH) and the Concord Monitor (on whose board was Amanda Grady Sexton of NHCADSV which works hand in glove with NH DCYF, the AG’s office, David Vicinanzo, Gordon MacDonald, Shaheen & Gordon and NHPD).

AnnMarie Timmons, an erstwhile reporter for the Concord Monitor demanded to meet Father Gordon MacRae but he declined. She then, according to him, wrote a handwritten letter to him saying “If you won’t meet with me, I will write about the four men you raped and the record will reflect that you don’t deny it!”. She allegedly called the prison demanding that Father Gordon be put in restraints and forced to meet her but went silent after the Wall Street Journal articles regarding his case came out in 2005. Soon after she took mental health leave from the Concord Monitor blaming her mental illness on her coverage of the clergy abuse claims. She went on to marry former assistant AG Will Delker who was the principle prosecutor in the Diocese/AG report working with Edward Arsenault to obtain (forge?) Bishop MCormack’s signature on a waiver of rights for all priests named in the claims. Delker is now an NH Superior Court Judge overseeing the Youth Detention Center cases. He was named in an article: “Judge: Laurie List Lawsuits Are Being Improperly Sealed”.

While Will Delker was overseeing the AG’s investigation of the Diocese, he was assisted in the AG’s office by Jim Rosenberg (who later joined Shaheen & Gordon) who appears to have gone looking for “victims” to trigger the tsunami of “creative solution” claims. Brian Harlow I understand was the first one. Brian is part of the NHCADSV.

Despite crucifying accused priests and stripping them of their rights in 2002, Jim Rosenberg defended a Concord Middle School teacher/principal: Matt McGonagle who in 2006 was sentenced to a term of 16 months for the serial rape of a 14 year old student. Rosenberg defended the deal:

Attorney Jim Rosenberg of Concord, representing McGonagle, also asked the court to accept the plea agreement. He recalled at the time the offenses occurred, McGonagle was recently divorced and living alone. “It was a difficult time for him,” he said. Rosenberg said that McGonagle became “a surrogate member of the victim’s family household” and became friends with the girl inside and outside of school. “The appropriate boundaries were blurred,” he said. Rosenberg called the offenses “an isolated case,” which has not been followed by allegations of misconduct since.

Jim Rosenberg also represented Andrew Thomson in the trial of NH v Owen Labrie — Thomson was a state witness who was reportedly tampered with by Michael Delaney representing St Paul’s School and effectively Thomson’s mother, Lucy Hodder, on the school’s board of trustees. Thomson had sent the State Complainainant Chessy Prout an invitation to a “lap dance” and “secret snuggle” in full knowledge that she was under age. Rosenberg claimed Thomson did nothing wrong. The prosecutor admitted to the judge that she knew a deal had been made for him — which she later retracted when the records became unsealed.

Jim Rosenberg was best man to Will Delker’s and AnnMarie Timmon’s wedding. In 2012-2014 another attorney who is with Shaheen & Gordona and also apparently part of the club, Cathy Green, simultaneously represented Father Gordon MacRae for his failed habeas corpus appeal and Edward Arsenault for his plea and pre-arranged sentence. She failed to let Father Gordon MacRae know of the conflict of interests.

Father Gordon MacRae has been denied justice for 28 years while Edward Arsenault and members of the New Hampshire Judiciary and Bar and their friends have gotten away with extortion rackets, cover ups of child abuse and worse.

Mike Gill, a Mortgage Broker and anti-corruption activist who lost a defamation suit against three prominent New Hampshire business men (tied to the Catholic Charities and whose “Primary Bank” is in Bedford New Hampshire where Edward Arsenault was a priest for years) for putting up bill boards calling them drug traffickers, had an attorney: Alex Walker.

According to Mike Gill, Alex Walker had another client: The Diocese of Manchester. According to Mike Gill, Walkers’ only job was to protect the financial secrecy of the Diocese’s dealings. Walker is now CEO of Catholic Medical Center which was fined $3.8 million by the US Government for kick-back schemes. Curiously, it was Edward Arsenault’s pal Chuck Douglas who stepped in to represent the whistleblower for his reward.

Mike Gill has been somewhat vindicated in his accusations since the Pandora Papers probe started in 2021 — one of the plaintiffs in the defamation suit against him- Andrew H Crews — abruptly stepped down from Autofair (named in the Pandora Papers and Paradise Papers) in December 2021. The company was sold out of state to an address in West Palm Beach, Florida. He and the company were sued in Massachussetts for failure to pay employees (even though he received several hundred thousand in PPP loan money). He was on the board of directors of Primary Bank New Hampshire and on the Board of Granite One Health and the Children’s Advocacy Centers. He was also President of the New Hampshire Lottery for which Chuck Douglas’s current wife, Deborah Douglas is Chair. His name seems to have disappeared altogether.

Coincidentally, Bedford is not only Edward Arsenault’s former stomping ground, home to the head office of Primary Bank and Autofair but it is also where there was a huge fentanyl bust about which former US Attorney Scott Murray fumbled when asked why the local police weren’t involved in the investigation. If you couple his answers to inquiring journalists with Ex NFL player Jeff Hatch’s admission that he was part of a drug smuggling operation but sworn to secrecy while he worked at the State’s “Granite Recovery Center”, the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit together in a very disturbing way.

Justice Broderick has been assigned to adjudicate the pay outs to victims of the Youth Dention Center abuse. Broderick denied Father Gordon MacRae’s appeal in 1996 but when he got wind that the Wall Street Journal were going to do a story on Father Gordon MacRae he reportedly got his son (in jail for hitting his father apparently) to ask his cell mate to see how much Gordon MacRae was going to say to the Wall Street journal about being framed and the people involved. Edward Arsenault had promised to give Gordon MacRae’s case files to David Vicinanzo (attorney at Nixon Peabody who repped the Diocese) for an appeal but that apparently never happened — or if it did, it wasn’t in David Vicinanzo’s financial or politcal interest to help a priest who’d been framed by a corrupt police officer and a child services worker.

David Vicinanzo is now one of the attorneys representing the victims of child abuse at the Youth Detention Center.

Children had been put there by officials who had a financial interest in removing kids from their families and in protecting corrupt public officials and state employees who abused them. David Vicinanzo knows this because he was part of the Diocese of Manchester racket with Edward Arsenault which was all tied up with children’s services. He claims to seek reform regarding confidentiality laws but will he go as far as to seek prosecution from the puppeteers, his friends, who allowed all of this to go on? Or will he continue to protect the cosy and incestuous merry-go-round of a club because to do the right thing would cause the swampy house of dirty cards to collapse?

Gordon MacDonald, Vicinanzo’s former colleague at Nixon Peabody, dismissed the child abuse at YDC blaiming “victim negligence” when he was Attorney General while he also protected a list of corrupt police officers from becoming public. One of those officers was James F McLaughlin — the officer who took Sylvia Gale of DCYF’s rumor and ran with it. Gordon MacDonald referred plaintiffs of YDC abuse to the NHCADSV who work with the DCYF but have not criticized them for the abuse at the YDC. Jane Young provided Nancy West of In Depth News with a lame answer as to why the AG’s office was referring victims of YDC abuse to the NHCADSV.

Gordon MacDonald is now the Supreme Court Chief Justice for New Hampshire. He was endorsed by Brian Harlow (on the board of directors for the NHCADSV):

Brian Harlow, of Concord, offered perhaps the most surprising words of support. A victim of clergy sex abuse, Harlow said at the hearing he met MacDonald when MacDonald represented the Diocese of Manchester. MacDonald, he said, helped him take “immeasurable steps toward healing.”

Is it possible that Edward Arsenault is in fact the head of the so-called “Cartel”? Is he an FBI informant with the same kind of protection awarded Jeffrey Epstein? He has his finger in every pie not only in New Hampshire but all the way to the Vatican — finances, insurance, medicaid, education, childcare, healthcare. Snippets from his resume indicate the far reach of his tentacles:

President and CEO — Saint Luke Institute — Silver Spring, MD — 2009 to Present — Silver Spring, MD 2009 — present St. Luke’s Centre — Manchester, England, UK

  • Opened regional office in Louisville, KY focusing on outpatient and psycho-educational services for the regional Catholic community.
  • • Established a regional presence in Johannesburg, South Africa at the request of the Roman Catholic bishops’ conference. The initial focus of this office has been needs assessment, issue orientation and psycho-educational programs.

• Retained financial experts for the development of operating and capital budgets. Upon implementation, this has resulted in increased gross revenues by 35% and decreased operating expenses by 20% in 2nd and 3rd year of tenure as President & CEO.

Chief Operating Officer/Chief Compliance Officer — Diocese of Manchester — Manchester, NH 2000 to 2009 — Served as Chief Operating Officer and Compliance Officer for the Bishop of Manchester.

Chairman of the Board Catholic Medical Center Manchester, NH — 1998 to 2009

Catholic Medical Center Healthcare System

• Collaborated with the President & CEO of Catholic Medical Center in retaining, training and supporting a community hospital board if directors. Responsible for the chairmanship of key board committees, including Executive Compensation, Nominating, Governance, Ethics and participation in the Executive and Finance Committees.

Chairman — Board of Directors — The National Catholic Risk Retention Group — Lisle, IL — 1999 to 2007

Served as Chairman of Board of Directors during a period of significant growth for a captive insurance company owned by and operated for the benefit of 67 Roman Catholic dioceses and religious institutes in the United States.

• Served as principal spokesperson for the governing board of directors of the risk retention group, including all shareholder relations, partnerships with other insurers and reinsurers as well as state and federal regulators

Edward Arsenault appears to have started up a new non-profit in Tampa Florida for mental health. Ghislaine Maxwell — who was arrested in New Hampshire and represented by Shaheen & Gordon who also represented the plaintiffs against Mike Gill — is in a low security prison in Tampa as well. This may be a pure coincidence.

Lyn Forester de Rothschild, a close friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s (and the Clintons) stepped down from Rothschild Holdings shortly after Ghislaine Maxwell’s arrest in New Hampshire where Shaheen & Gordon represented her. Lyn Forester de Rothchild has now reappeared on the scene — at the Vatican. I would not be remotely surprised if Edward Arsenault was involved as well.

What’s really going on at 10 Ferry Street, Concord New Hampshire and why do New Hampshire officials and agencies avoid accountability? Follow the money.

When I contacted Anna Carrigan after reading her suit against the State, she replied with the following:

I am interested that you have identified key NH players that myself and others doing work in NH find troubling (but we are definitely in the minority on), and I am comfortable saying that AG MacDonald and Amanda Grady Sexton and NHCADSV are two specific people who I think are doing things to directly or indirectly hurt child protection victims in this state, abd that our crazy family and criminal court system is completely dysfunctional and supports that in happening, along with a local media that purposely helps keep the public blind to things happening behind the scenes. I am a government social worker whistle-blower, one of several, who faced retaliation by the State of NH for speaking up about the truth of NH’s child protection system and is suing them, so I’ve seen and know about a lot of stuff that goes on that I feel like most people would have a hard time even conceiving is true.

