Claire Best
10 min readNov 18, 2022

FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, Stanford, Silicon Valley, Michele Dauber, Brock Turner and The Hunting Ground

Ponzi Schemes, Pyramid Schemes, Propaganda, Criminal Trials and Elections

Sam Bankman Fried who founded FTX appears to be about to go down in history as the new Bernie Madoff. The bankruptcy papers for FTX can be viewed here. This is apparently worse than Enron:

The World Economic Forum heavily endorsed FTX. Now it is hiding its ties:

The scandal is far reaching and it specifically implicates Stanford & ties it together with the Democratic Party, Silicon Valley and Hollywood talent agency power house CAA where the Obamas, Joe Biden, Valerie Jarrett (“Not Alone”, “Civic Nation”), Arne Duncan (US Ed, Emerson Collective) and Tina Tchen (“Times Up”, NWLC, Obama Foundation) are all signed up:

According to The Information, Bankman-Fried entities invested $200 million in Sequoia Capital, including $100 million to Sequoia Heritage, its wealth management fund; plus $300 million in K5 Global, a fund run by Michael Kives, reportedly an adviser to Bankman-Fried.

Michael Kives is an alum of Stanford, worked at CAA and worked for the Clintons:

Sam Bankman-Fried is the son of Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman of Stanford Law where Michele Dauber is a tenured professor and a feminist activist who campaigned for Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. She is also on the Silicon Valley Democratic Committee and started the Enough Voter Movement.

Barbara Fried founded “Mind The Gap” with Paul Brest (also Stanford). She also wrote an article about why feminism is for everyone in October 2017 at the start of the run up for the midterm elections.

“When asked about her role in Mind the Gap, Fried, who has no campaign experience, “downplayed the organization” as “merely” a “pro-bono donor advisor to people who are interested in evidence-driven decision making.” She told Vox Media’s Recode:

Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of different forms of political and civic engagement, and provide our conclusions free to individual, interested donors so they can make more educated decisions about where their money would be most effectively spent.

Paul Brest also helped to launch the Stanford’s Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society.

Regina K Scully (Executive Producer: “The Hunting Ground”, co-founder of Artemis Rising Foundation which is credited on the film) is given a full page at Stanford’s Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society.

She is married to John Scully who used to be on the board of trustees at Stanford.

Artemis Rising’s form 990s suggest the organization put in $1.25 million or more into “The Hunting Ground” which premiered at the Sundance film festival on January 23rd 2015. Its premiere was sandwiched between Brock Turner’s arrest by Stanford police on 19th January and the announcement of charges with a mugshot photo in the The Mercury News on January 27th.

The alleged victim in the Brock Turner case, Emily Doe (later known as Chanel Miller), was a family friend of Michele Dauber’s and had come to campus where she met Turner at a frat party. He was 19. She was 22 and not a student. (For an in depth look at the case versus how it was portrayed by media, Michele Dauber and activists, read “Collateral Damage: A Candid Look at the Brock Turner Case and the Recall of Judge Persky”)

A digital newspaper called “The Fountain Hopper” founded by the Russian Stanford undergraduate Ilya Mouzykantskii in September 2014, took a single line in a police report and blew it up into the sensationalist and false case against Brock Turner which led to the recall of Judge Persky, changes in California minimum sentencing laws and the launch of the bipartisan workforce to combat domestic & sexual violence introduced by Rep Ann Kuster (NH-D) and Rep. Jackie Speier (CA-D).

The founding of “The Fountain Hopper” coincided with the launch of the White House backed non-profit “Its On Us”in September 2014. Press releases for the film referred heavily to “Its On Us”. “Its On Us” is backed by Civic Nation which is headed by Obama’s senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett (also a Stanford alum).

A month after “The Hunting Ground” was announced in October 2014, Rolling Stone Magazine published “A Rape on Campus”. The story turned out to be false leading to the defamation suit: Eramo v Rolling Stone. Exhibits from the trial indicate that The White House “Not Alone” task force, also headed by Valerie Jarrett, was behind the creation of the story and the media strategy to get it published.

The Hunting Ground” also got debunked but the White House “Not Alone” task force endorsed it.

Close scrutiny of the film’s financing and distribution indicates it was wholly created as a piece of propaganda for the Democratic Party and that Silicon Valley and Stanford Democrats were heavily involved. Jennifer Siebel Newsom (another Stanford alum and wife of current California Governor Gavin Newsom) also received an executive producer credit. The Weinstein Company and CNN (where Valerie Jarrett’s daughter works) distributed it. Disgraced attorney Tom Girardi received a special thanks.

Gloria Allred who has a close connection to both Tom Girardi and the White House “Not Alone” task force is apparently also being investigated.

Michele Dauber once stated that the issue of sexual violence brought women out to vote “in droves”. She also told Amy Goodman in an interview on “Democracy Now” that she gave the Emily Doe Victim Impact statement from the Brock Turner sentencing to filmmakers of “The Hunting Ground” to leak it to media before it was read in court.

A 2019 FOIA reveals that Michele Dauber worked behind the scenes of the Turner trial with the DA’s office, not only creating the Emily Doe statement but also using the sentencing to cause the recall of Judge Aaron Persky.

Whistleblowers from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accused Ken and Michele Dauber of social media manipulation in 2016. How much was Stanford involved? John Hennessy, President of Stanford from 2000 to 2016 was one of the founders of Google and remained on its board even during his 16 years tenure as Stanford’s president. He is now Chair of Alphabet Inc, its parent company. He has been nicknamed “The godfather of Silicon Valley” while Ilya Mouzykantskii’s father “Dr. Boris” has earned the nickname “godfather of ad-technology”.

When you read The Women’s March letter supporting Amber Heard (signed by Michele Dauber and supported by non-profits NWLC, Know Your IX) and you see all the other non-profits listed at the bottom of the page, you start to look into Michele Dauber, the Bankman-Frieds, Stanford, “Mind the Gap” and the comments about “Gaming the System”.

The ACLU (whose Executive Director also comes out of Stanford Law) created the op-ed for Amber Heard which led to Johnny Depp’s lawsuit against her for defamation and even tried to file an amicus brief. When Depp’s legal counsel demanded discovery from the ACLU, there was resistance because the ACLU didn’t want to disclose its other business relationships. The organizations endorsing the Women’s March Letter in support of Amber Heard must be those business relationships. Some of them also happen to be business relationships for Civic Nation and The White House “Not Alone” task force headed by Valerie Jarrett and “Times Up” founded by Tina Tchen.

There is one paragraph in the Washington Post Op-Ed which specifically relates to Title IX and campus sexual assault. Amber Heard never went to college. That paragraph was created for the benefit of the NWLC and Know Your IX who endorsed The Women’s March Letter. The ACLU and Know Your IX went on to sue Betsy DeVos over due process in Title IX and lost. But the damage to Johnny Depp’s Hollywood career was done.!#:~:text=The%20ACLU%27s%20%27Death%20Star%27%20Client%20in%20Its%20Title,and%20Stuart%20Taylor%20Jr.%2C%20RealClearPolitics%20June%2021%2C%202020

Roberta Kaplan of NWLC abruptly quit Amber Heard’s team when the ACLU’s involvement in the op-ed became known. No reason was given but it would appear that there was a conflict of interests.

Stanford Law Professor Barbara Fried wrote the following article in 2017 “Feminism is for Everyone” — Perspectives for a Feminist Class Politics.” ^

Much of 2018 was peppered with events and campaigns tied to promoting the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act or promoting female democrat candidates for the midterms. Michele Dauber was running the “Enough Voter Movement” with Amber Heard as a spokesperson.

Brock Turner’s appeals were denied in August 2018, largely because his trial lawyer had failed to object on a close to a hundred occasions and thus left a record on which most appeals couldn’t be brought. The moment of his arrest to the moment of his trial coincided with the release of “The Hunting Ground” to its Oscar win for best song “Till It Happens to You” performed by CAA’s client Lady Gaga and produced by Stanford’s Regina K Scully.!#:~:text=The%20ACLU%27s%20%27Death%20Star%27%20Client%20in%20Its%20Title,and%20Stuart%20Taylor%20Jr.%2C%20RealClearPolitics%20June%2021%2C%202020

The FBI is supposedly about to wrap up “Operation Mystery Dinner” which will hopefully expose years of secret dinners and other activities involving judges, prosecutors and local journalists colluding behind the scenes of Silicon Valley trials taking place in the very court where Brock Turner was tried and turned into a national punching bag via Dem Caucus rep Michele Dauber on the Silicon Valley Democratic Committee.

FTX was a hoax. “The Hunting Ground” was a hoax. Rolling Stone’s UVA “A Rape On Campus” was a hoax but they were all used, just as the manipulated People v Brock Turner was used, to engage voters for the Democratic Party under false premise.

This Associated Press article from June 11, 2016 following the dissemination of the Emily Doe victim impact statement to Congress which led to the bipartisan workforce against domestic and sexual violence is disturbing:

— June 2, 2016 — Judge Aaron Persky sentences Turner to six months in jail and orders him to register as a sex offender for life. Turner is taken into custody and placed in protective custody because of his notoriety. He is scheduled to be released on Sept. 2. The sentence touches off an emotional national debate about leniency and campus sexual assault. Critics begin to collect signatures in an attempt to remove Persky from the bench.

How heavily embedded is Stanford in promulgating a defamatory narrative on campus sexual assault via “The Hunting Ground” and the “People v Brock Turner” for Democratic fundraising purposes?

What was really going on at “Mind the Gap” founded by Sam Bankman Fried’s mother and Paul Brest? And how intertwined was this with Michele Dauber’s Enough Voter Movement and Google/Alphabet Inc?

Is the crucifying of a 19 year old Olympic hopeful swimmer, Brock Turner, the acceptable standard for Stanford’s and Silicon Valley’s Democratic Donors and propaganda funders?

Is it really just about how much money can be raised on a knowingly false narrative? How much is Stanford willing to support lies and plagiarism for Democratic party purposes?

Why do Stanford, The White House & the Silicon Valley Democratic Committee care less about students and their lives than they do about covering up white collar crime that endangers student lives?

Schleifer, Theodore. “How a crypto billionaire decided to become one of Biden’s biggest donors.” Recode. March 20, 2021. Accessed May 24, 2022.