“Executive platforms over Productivity platforms”

2 min readJun 24, 2017


From the People behind Claire.ai

This post isn’t a rant.

This post really tries to explain how the productivity applications have been building features that doesn’t solve the core promise of a productivity platform -being productive.

Time is non-refundable. Use it with intention”

Productivity is exclusive for individuals and teams but from a broader perspective, it can be arguably broken down to —

Execute Macro tasks efficiently in a Micro timeframe.

Let’s think about conversations. Every conversation that we initiate digitally is likely to have a defined actionable intention. Keeping recent developments and use-cases aside, the core idea of using any communication platform is to convey an intention. The end user still needs to reiterate what/when they need to do and spend more effort into acquiring more information on how much faster they can finish these tasks. The problem with the productivity applications is that they enable you to do more — smart scheduling, scheduling meetings, managing your or your team’s workflow (Awesome stuff) but there’s a dire need of a platform, nay an intelligence that can somehow tell you what you need to do from the context of your conversation (irrespective of where you choose to have this conversation).

Building a productive platform on top this model of intelligence only makes perfect sense and solves a wholesome problem of not reiterating your conversation to a potential reminder or any other service . (Sure, you can pull out your voice-assistant and talk about how you need to be reminded of performing something, but that’s just ease-of-access)

We’ve played the roles of Students,Freelancers, Developers and Designers long enough to understand that a huge chunk of our time goes away into doing things that we know that could be delegated and eventually executed.

So, we translated these years of experience to a product. A product that focuses on being a executive hub where your conversations are translated to actionable intentions.

♥ Excited and humbled — team of claire.ai

