Confronting the Disinformation Age

SFU Public Square’s panel discussed identity-motivated reasoning, personality dark traits, how exactly our minds are being attacked by disinformation — and what to do about it.

Claire Atkin
7 min readApr 17, 2019
Photo by Elijah O'Donnell on Unsplash

People who work in tech and media are in the front seat of the dominant forces shaping our public sphere. But last night, the crowd of 2,500 at Queen Elizabeth Theatre learned that the responsibility should be shared among all of us. Here are some of the highlights from SFU Public Square’s Confronting the Disinformation Age.

The panel was hosted by the CBC’s Ian Hanomansing. The three panelists were David Frum, Sue Gardner, and Christopher Wylie. David Frum is the Senior Editor at the Atlantic. He is the author of Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic and a republican speech writer. Sue Gardner is the executive director of The Markup, which publishes stories on the impact of technology on society. And Christopher Wylie is the media darling Cambridge Analytica whistleblower who blew open the bigoted, conspiratorial, and illegal actions of political parties during Brexit and the American 2016 election. He has testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee no less than five times and says that without a doubt, even if the level of criminal conspiracy was…

