It’s not Rocket Science — Sketch Exercise Kata

Ironhack Prework Challenge #3

Claire Alexopoulou
1 min readMar 7, 2019

The time has come to build our first rocket using Sketch! I’ve used Sketch only once again back in December to complete a challenge for a UX/UI Design Workshop held by Ironhack. I haven’t used any other design tools in the past, but I have my way with any kind of platform, tool or software.

I find Sketch quite intuitive and fun to use. The layout is simple but yet you have everything you need at your fingertips. I was surprised that I could still remember what I have learned 3 months ago. And although lacking experience, sketching my rocket seemed a piece of cake. Of course I’ve put my own twist on it as always… and I’m ready to launch!

What’s next? Keep practicing, of course. I can’t wait to learn more tricks and shortcuts to use and explore all the available plugins that might come in handy in future design projects.

