Leveraging Dyslexia with AI

Claire Paoletti
3 min readApr 3, 2023


For years, people with dyslexia have struggled with writing due to challenges related to spelling, grammar, and syntax. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way dyslexics approach writing, allowing them to express themselves more easily and confidently.

AI-powered writing assistants, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, are now more accessible than ever before. These powerful tools can help dyslexics improve their writing by providing real-time suggestions and corrections. With AI assistance, dyslexics can focus on the content of their writing instead of worrying about spelling and grammar errors.

To make the most of AI writing assistants, it’s crucial to find the right tool for you. Take the time to learn how to use the tool effectively in order to get the best results. The opportunity to benefit from AI is now; those who miss out may struggle to catch up.

Don’t be afraid to write down your thoughts as bullet points or use voice recognition software. The AI will help correct syntax, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary errors, and rephrase your sentences for better understanding. AI can understand your dyslexic language and won’t judge you. If you misspell a word, the AI will simply apply what you requested, allowing you to recognize the error and correct it. It’s essential to thoroughly review what your AI writes.

Use AI to help you write in both your personal and professional life. This technology is useful for emails, cover letters, and other professional and administrative documents.

Using AI to boost your writing confidence can enable you to unleash your creativity and write without being held back by spelling or grammar. Integrate AI into your daily life; the more you use the tool, the more familiar you become with its capabilities.

Ask yourself what additional activities you would engage in if writing became enjoyable. Personally, I think I would start tweeting and write more articles.

Thanks to AI, dyslexics can finally use Tinder without fear of looking foolish. No more spelling mistakes that make you appear unintelligent! Get ready to say goodbye to procrastination, guilt, fear of judgment, and embrace the joy of writing… or rather, clicking on “rewrite,” “longer,” and “funnier”! Your proofreaders will also be able to take a break, focusing on the content instead of correcting spelling mistakes.

In summary, artificial intelligence presents an incredible opportunity for dyslexics. By leveraging AI tools, dyslexics can overcome writing challenges and thrive in their personal and professional projects. Take the time to explore the various AI possibilities and share your experiences and successes with other dyslexics. Together, we can create a world where dyslexia is not an obstacle but a difference that enriches our lives.

I’m curious to hear the perspectives of other dyslexics on this topic. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks Samson Vowles for your video! ❤️

Claire Paoletti
Lead Designer, Product Designer and Dyslexic.
Follow me on LinkedIn, Dribbble, and Twitter

