
claire y. w.
1 min readJun 8, 2015


I’m just a reject
  1. No amount of… 再多的..也無法…

Eg. No amount of makeup can cover up an ugly personality. 再多的妝容也蓋不住醜陋的人格。

2. Not on your life 門兒都沒有!
something that you say in order to tell someone with a lot of force that you will not do something

Eg. Can I kiss you? Not on your life!

3. Count me out. 別算上我
do not include me in your activity or plan

Eg. You’ll have to count me out if I can’t bring my girl.
Eg. Bubbly asked me to count him out of the study session, he will be attending Teresa’s party.

4. Over my dead body 等我死了再說;想都別想
This phrase is a verbal objection to a proposed action, claiming that the author/speaker is willing to fight with every ounce of their life to prevent the action.

Eg. Bill: Can you buy me dinner? Claire: Over my dead body.

5. I’d rather not. 我不願意

Eg. Bill: Can you buy me an iced latte? Yimo: I’d rather not.



claire y. w.

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.