【英文謬誤】-Blue-sky thinking 藍天思考

claire y. w.
2 min readJun 26, 2016


Mar. 2016
刊登於商業週刊 http://www.businessweekly.com.tw/KBlogArticle.aspx?id=16137

行政經驗豐富Li被一家外商公司挖角去做執行長的特助,除了每天包山包海的工作內容,還要每天精進自己的英文能力,才好聽懂老外執行長交辦的事務,有天執行長和Li說:We need blue-sky thinking and we have to push the envelop if we want to survive in the current market.


Blue-sky thinking的意思是如同藍天般有創意的思考,姑且不論實際與否的意思。

Push the envelop 這句跟信封則是一點關係都沒有,而是指挑戰極限的意思,envelope本身就有外層的意思,要推某東西的外層就意味著要你不怕冒險、大膽挑戰的意思。


Step up to the plate

Eg. It’s time for Jeff to step up to the plate and make a difference.

End of play
這句話的play表示比賽,在商務的場合中,延伸為一天(上班日)的結束,通常會與by這個介系詞使用,by the end of play(在今天結束之前),如果句子最後沒有加上“today”或“tomorrow”等等其他時間副詞,通常就是指當天。end of play也可以抽換詞面變成close of play,用法都可以互換。

Eg. Could you please send me the tracking number by the end of play today?

Eg. She promised she’ll give me the report by the close of play Friday.



claire y. w.

A pro-am educator, a grounded dreamer, a daughter and a magazine editor. This is Claire’s flipped English studio.