Charles Lang
1 min readApr 14, 2016


I went to college for a degree is compute science. Ended up becoming a Web Developer(self taught, spent a total of MAX $100 on udemy and other resources), now i have $16k in student loan debt.

All i basically bought was the ability to place my degree on my resume. I have learned that any tech job can be learned on your own without college. However sadly many industries will turn down your resume strictly based off your college education, which is a broken system in and of it self.

Being good at getting good grades in college doesn't make you a great software engineer. Experience does.

Many of your innovative tech companies these days will hire someone without a college degree before they would hire someone with a college degree. That isn't to say they may look at a degree, but they have learned(along with myself) that a degree doesn't make you qualified.

Take myself for example: Web developers on average make upwards of $70k/year+ , learn php and your now making $100k/year+ However in my opinion if your going into a career field to just make good money your doing it wrong and will be miserable.

Find out what your passion is and then decide if you TRULY need college for that passion, if so, go to college, if not, follow an alternate route.

