Rosemary — A Natural Treatment of Aging, Acne, Blemish, and Skin Irritation

Clara Binoche
4 min readSep 15, 2017



The number is in millions and all are connected by a common desire — an unquenched thirst for a flawless complexion. This is not something easier to achieve and more difficult is to maintain a healthy, glowing skin amid our busy schedule. With passing age complexion fades, often due to our negligence and various environmental threats, as we develop baggage like wrinkles, blemishes, under eye circles, and fine lines etc. How will you get rid of these preventives on your journey in getting a radiant, youthful skin?

No, no, there’s no need of undergoing any laser treatment or surgery. You just need to follow a few quick, basic things devoid of any side effects. Have you ever heard about the herb rosemary? Are you aware of its multifarious skincare benefits? Ingesting rosemary extract as well as setting up a daily skincare regime enriched in rosemary will revive your lost glow.

Aren’t you eager to know more on rosemary and its benefits on maintaining your skin health? Let’s start then.

What is Rosemary?

Rosemary is an aromatic herb originated in the Mediterranean region, mostly used in Italian cuisine. This woody perennial herb is scientifically known as Rosmarinus officinalis. It’s bitter, warm, astringent taste adds magnificent flavor to stews, soups, roasts, sauces, and stuffings. Apart from being a wonderful spice because of its rich aroma and flavor, it contains unique pharmaceuticals and organic compounds, which have medicinal properties to effectively benefit your health. Rosemary essential oil, extracted from the flowering tips of the plant, is enriched with antioxidants, phytonutrients, and essential acids, which are great for skin care.

Rosemary in Skin Treatment

The usage of rosemary as a flavor in food will not benefit you that much because it has been added in too little proportion to make any significant difference. But, the aromatic oil of rosemary and its leaves extract can be a great treatment for your skin problems such as inflammation, roughness, dark patches, acne, blemishes, wrinkles, fine lines etc. The best way would not be to apply it directly, but using skincare products enriched with rosemary extracts.
So, aren’t you eager to take a detailed look at the skin health benefits of rosemary?

5 Benefits of Rosemary extracts for Skin

  1. Detoxifies the Body
    Excessive toxicity in the body affects your skin health. The diuretic nature of rosemary flushes out excess toxins during urination. It also helps in increasing the rate at which water leaves our body, thus keeps your body hydrated. Additionally, it can push out salts, pathogens, and excess fat from the body if consumed or applied regularly. You can ingest rosemary enriched beauty supplements to flush out toxins from within.
    A good liver is a sign of healthy skin. Rosemary keeps the cirrhosis level lower in the lever and prevents you from liver complications. Besides, as we know any problem related to liver takes too long to heal. Rosemary has potential to fasten this healing process.
  2. Prevents Anti-Aging
    As rosemary is rich in strong anti-oxidants, it can put a stoppage in your premature skin aging. It protects your skin from sagging and loosening by giving you a firmer, radiant, youthful skin.
    Rosemary improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system, thus ensures the regularized function of the body. It is also preventive of stress and depression. All these work together to promote cell growth. Moreover, this aromatic herb is a natural collagen booster and it significantly works to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
  3. Rejuvenates Damaged Skin
    Rosemary oil keeps your skin hydrated and toned. It repairs the damaged tissues and regenerates new cells, thus fades away blemishes and dark spots. Messaging skin with rosemary oil can be beneficial in cases of visible skin damages. Eye baggage can make you look older than your age. Using rosemary oil you can achieve a wrinkle- and baggage-free taut skin.
  4. Prevents Acne
    Do you know about the antiseptic properties of rosemary oil? It consists of powerful disinfectants. All these properties help in treating acne and oily skin conditions. Rosemary extract removes excess oil from your skin and provides you relief from irritation such as redness, itching etc.
    You can use highly concentrated youth preserve serum of A Complete, an absolute rosemary invention, which is formulated in a way to give you an oil-free, hydrating, soothing effect by nourishing and reinvigorating your skin. This reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and revitalizes your skin. The best part is that it perfectly suits your hectic lifestyle.
  5. Treats Skin Infection
    Skin diseases like dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema can take away glow of your skin. You can suffer from inflammation. Rosemary contains anti-inflammatory properties to heal such chronic conditions by reducing puffiness and swelling of the skin.

Summing Up

A healthy skin reflects your personality. Moreover, it gives you confidence and boosts you with positivity. It’s high time to start a daily skincare regimen with beauty products rich in rosemary extract. Don’t forget to add rosemary in your diet along with this. Don’t you want to uplift yourself as a confident personality?
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Clara Binoche

Clara Binoche is a makeup artist with more than 10 years of experience. She loves enhancing the natural beauty of women with her makeup skills.