Manifest Money Fast Using These 7 Law of Attraction Methods

3 min readDec 21, 2023


Have you ever wondered why some people seem so lucky in money matters? They always have the cash to buy nice cars, take exotic vacations and live abundantly. Meanwhile, you work hard but still struggle to attract money. What’s their secret?

The answer is that financially lucky people use the incredible power of the “law of attraction” to literally magnetize money to them. They intentionally or unintentionally use strategies based on this energy principle to mold a wealth mindset. The good news is anyone can learn how to harness the law of attraction to improve finances.

Curious exactly how? Here are 7 straightforward yet potent steps to try:

  1. Envision Abundant Money Scenes Every Day 🌷
    Close your eyes and really imagine what an abundant lifestyle looks like to you. See vivid scenes like your dream house, exotic getaways, bank accounts flush with cash, student loans or credit cards paid off, whatever your heart desires. Feel genuine emotions like excitement, joy, gratitude. Even add sensory details like smells and textures when visualizing this abundant future. Why does this matter? Daily visualization actually rewires neural networks to start attracting this new financial reality.
  2. Repeat Wealth Affirmations 🌷
    Use spoken phrases to overwrite limiting subconscious beliefs blocking your money magnetism. For example, repeat uplifting mantras like “Large sums of money flow to me effortlessly” or “I happily attract wealth”. Make them specific and believable to you. Anchor positive emotions like abundance, security and excitement to the words. Overtime, this practice retrains the mind to expect financial luck instead of lack.
  3. Appreciate Money Already Present 🌷
    Gratitude is incredibly powerful for manifesting because it vibrates at the highest frequency. When you feel genuine thankfulness for money already in your life (even small amounts!), you signal the universe to deliver more of the same. Each morning, express appreciation for any form of abundance — the cash in your wallet, a financial goal already met, a client who pays on time, etc. This tunes your energy to wealth frequency.
  4. Try Tapping to Clear Money Blocks 🌷
    EFT or “tapping” uses gentle finger pulses on acupressure points combined with verbal affirmations to calm stuck energies around limiting money beliefs. For example, if you subconsciously feel undeserving of wealth, the statement “I deeply and completely accept abundant money now” can shift this quickly while tapping key points. Clearing energy pathways makes room for prosperity to flow effortlessly into your life.
  5. Follow Inspired Ideas for Making Money 🌷
    When seeking guidance around increasing income, don’t force it. Instead ask insightful questions to tap your inner wisdom around inspired ideas aligned with your soul purpose. Then act by taking small steps daily toward passions producing income. This allows the universe to co-create gracefully with inspired action. Unexpected financial gifts may then arrive too.
  6. Manifest Money through Meditation 🌷
    Quiet your mind through counting breaths. Then visualize endless streams of money entering your bank accounts and even overfilling chests from unexpected windfalls. Feel abundance pouring in from all directions while powerfully aligned energy attracts your financial visions into reality. End meditations saturated in emotions of already having wealth to reprogram subconscious acceptance. Do this daily.
  7. Move from a Poverty to Prosperity Consciousness 🌷
    Ask yourself: “What habits would a wealthy person do?” Then start emulating those money beliefs through actions — investing boldly, paying bills early to build credit, feeling joy about financial successes of others, no anxiety around spending money on desires, etc. Soon this new energy attracts circumstances allowing more money to effortlessly find you.


The Bottom Line 🌿
Consistency in using several techniques can help you develop a new mindset about wealth. Instead of doubting your financial situation, recognize that infinite potential exists! The universe does respond to focused energetic intentions. Why not magnetically attract money into your life starting now?




A passionate writer and firm believer in the Law of Attraction, who shares the knowledge and experience with others interested in this field.