Design — Travel Mobile Application ‘MonkeyExplorer’

2 min readAug 16, 2022



Monkey explorer is a is a travel guide application based on a fun, interactive and participatory interface. The aim is to provide a special experience for the users as if they were informed by a local guide.

The idea was inspired from a program which names Hub during our second-year study.

How did we start

The aim of the Hub Program is to find an interesting problematic around a theme that they give and create a demo of our product during a weekend.

So during these two days, we chose to build our program in Flutter and design the app in Adobe XD.

We were three students in the groupe, luckily one of our teamate is proficient in UI/UX design, and the rest of us are passionate in coding.

So we learnt Kotlin from zero during two days by writing the code, and we succeed to show a really basic(not very beautiful, but fast prodcution) demo at the end.

And then we found our groupe was really well-formed, the theme and the problematic was innovative, and we are very movative to continue this project.

We hope our application is not only an application to guide people, but also an application to share our life. This is more about a sharing application as its system will be based on the activities that people spread on the app.

This is why our main page is not a map or a guide page to tell people where to go, but a page to share photos and recommanded activities that they’ve been participate.

We also have a system to encourage our users to use the application, we call it banana awards, according to the favorate food of monkey, they must will give you some bananas if you succeed something in our monkey world.

Below is a demo design that we did for this personal project. We could only share these pages before the publish of our application. But this picture could already shows our main ideas and keynote of our monkey culture.

PS: The design is made by me and my cooperator.


