Five Reasons to Choose Septic Tank Services!

Clarence Valley Septics
3 min readNov 15, 2023


Liquid waste demands our earnest attention, as it poses significant threats to both our environment and public health. From soil contamination to air and water pollution, liquid waste exacts a toll on our ecosystem. Consequently, various areas of liquid waste management have evolved, and one such field is septic tank services.

Before we get into the intricacies of septic tank service, we must know what a septic tank is. It is simply a chamber where solid waste is separated from wastewater or other types of liquid waste. In many areas, especially in rural ones, there is no concept of a central sewage system. Septic Tanks are mostly used in these areas, and they do the job of breaking down bacteria into organic matter. The wastewater, which is also called effluent, is then directed to the drain field for filtration.

Septic tanks predominantly serve households and small-scale industries. Despite existing legal regulations, it’s observed that tank owners often neglect cleaning and maintenance. Liquid waste, including solvents, chemicals, wastewater, fats, oils, and solid waste particles, contributes to the contamination of septic tanks. Therefore, opting for septic tank services is imperative, and here are some of their primary objectives:

1. To Eradicate Pollution

To understand how the maintenance of a septic tank can eradicate pollution, we need to know how and why liquid and solid waste entering septic tanks is harmful. Solid waste and effluents like wastewater and chemicals, can start accumulating in septic tanks, resulting in leaks. When such waste infiltrates the soil, it results in soil and groundwater contamination, diminishing plant growth and causing crop failures. Untreated septic tank waste can also contaminate water bodies, inflicting significant harm on aquatic life and causing blockages in septic systems, leading to costly repairs. Regular maintenance of septic tanks mitigates these pollution risks.

2. To Improve Hygiene

The odour coming out of an unmaintained septic tank is extremely rancid and toxic. It can cause severe irritation to the people living or working around it. Taking a septic tank service would genuinely reduce the levels of odour, leading to better hygiene.

3. To Boost Public Health

An untreated septic tank encourages the growth of bacteria and pathogens, and these things can cause several health and respiratory hazards to humans. This is the reason septic tanks should be regularly cleaned as this helps to improve community health.

4. To Prevent System Failure

It is known to us how different kinds of waste such as wastewater, chemicals, fats, and oils lead to leaks, overloading, and backups in septic tanks if they get collected inside the tanks for too long. Proper maintenance of septic tanks would prevent system failures and backups.

5. To Save Cost

If we look into the earlier objectives, we will realise that regularly maintaining septic tanks would save a lot of repair costs. It would also help us prevent any legal fines, and hence, it ultimately leads to cost savings.

In Australia, regulations govern septic tank owners, and for septic tank services, Clarence Valley Septics is a premier choice. It ranks among Australia’s leading waste management companies, offering services encompassing septic tank cleaning, septic pump-out, and maintenance to ensure the long-term efficiency of your septic system. Clarence Valley Septics also provides a range of other essential services, including vacuum excavation, drain cleaning, oil recycling, grease trap cleaning, and liquid waste removal, among others.

Vacuum excavation, often referred to as hydro-excavation, is considered a vital industrial service in the 21st century. This non-destructive digging technique employs high water pressure and specialised equipment to excavate safely around utilities. Besides utility location, it offers numerous advantages, including minimal damage and cost-effective excavation. Compared to traditional digging methods, hydro-excavation is safer and significantly faster. If you require vacuum excavation services from Clarence Valley Septics, you can trust in the quality of their services, as the company adheres to all necessary guidelines and complies with local laws. Their team of experts is readily available to provide consultation on these matters, and customisation of services can be arranged through direct contact.



Clarence Valley Septics

As a part of Richmond Waste's liquid waste division, Clarence Valley Septics collects, transports, and processes liquid wastes.