How VAV Box works?

Clare White
2 min readJan 27, 2017


The VAV stands for Variable Air Volume and are used in the cooling and heating duct systems. They are usually used in the big commercial areas and buildings where it feels really hectic to manage the heating and cooling system with the manual remotes. So in those areas these equipments are installed in order to provide the variable air. These equipments made our life easy and are long lasting. Whenever, whatever amount of heating or cooling is required in a specific part of the building, their sensors detect the temperature to provide the air of respective intensity.

The VAV Box is a really beneficial invention of the present era. As we all know that we are used to of easy and convenient lives so this product has saved us from consuming our efforts by monitoring the centralized air system manually.

Working of VAV Box:

They are the metallic sheet boxes with a damper and controls inside it. The Thermostat is connected with the controller to function according to the inputs stored. Whatever the input and settings are done from the control panel, the VAV functions and provides air accordingly by sensing the surrounding temperature. The whole system is managed and look after by the engineers, they change the limitations and the settings according to the environmental conditions.

The air coming through this system is provided through the central duct system. It comes directly from the control room and distributed through the VAV, according to the need of each part of the building. The air is supplied in a variable state. Let’s say if a room has reached its pre-defined limitation level, the air will simply cut off at that moment. While in other parts of the building, still it will be provided as it is required. In those parts the air volume will not be cut off. The sensors and the damper installed in the metallic sheets plays a part in sensing the requirements of each area and provide air accordingly.

The VAV Box provides us comfort and ease. As a user and consumer, it provides us warm and cold air, according to our needs and requirements. When we talk on it on the prospect of the engineers, it also provides them benefit, as they don’t have to manage the heating and cooling system manually now. On the part of the investor and owner, it attracts more customer and clients. So they can earn good profits.

