My Favourite Places to Find Datasets

1 min readJan 30, 2022

Working on personal projects becomes is way more fun when you have interesting datasets to play around with.

These are a few of my favourite places to find these datasets.


kaggle is generally known for its machine learning competitions however there is also a dataset feature that contains a variety of interesting datasets. Users often post datasets and collaborate with tasks and discussions around them.

Kaggle is a great place to find a community around Data Science and Analytics.

Open Data Network

Open Data Network has a really powerful search engine and advanced filters. Here, you can find data on topics like finance, public safety, infrastructure, and housing and development.

Dataset Search

The Dataset Search is a search engine designed specifically for data sets; you can use this to search for specific data sets. Open Datasets is similar to Kaggle, it has an open dataset feature where users can post datasets


These are just a few sources that I use, are there any that you love? put them in the comments below.




An engineering student dabbling with data analytics and entrepreneurship