AI for Healthcare: The Promise and Challenges

A Conversation with Dr. Xavier Amatriain, Co-Founder and CTO of Curai

Clarice Wang
2 min readSep 7, 2021

Dr. Amatriain and I discussed COVID-19, and more broadly, the promise and the challenges of AI for healthcare. We talked about wearable devices, digital twins, privacy and government regulation, etc. We diverged into Artificial General Intelligence, machine learning with experts in the loop, federated learning, out-of-band predictions, and many other topics. Dr. Amatriain offered advice for the younger generation who are interested in entering the field of AI.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are making huge waves. From recommending movies on Netflix, driving ads revenue on Google, predicting traffic patterns on Waze, all the way to generating the hype and fear on every media channel about the imminent Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), the impact of AI is being felt at every frontier.

As the pandemic still rages across the globe, we are interested more than ever in the prospect of AI for healthcare. I had the pleasure to interview Dr. Xavier Amatriain, the co-founder and CTO of Curai, who is working on the lofty mission of using AI to scale the world’s best healthcare to every human being. Before Curai, Dr. Amatriain pioneered in the field of machine learning in both academia and industrial settings. In particular, Dr. Amatriain started and led the team that built the famous Netflix movie recommendation algorithms, which might have altered our taste in entertainment for good.

Part I:

  • Are the best minds of the world working on the right problems?
  • Is AI powerful enough to tackle healthcare?
  • If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

Part II:

  • Digital Twins for Healthcare
  • AI with Human-in-the-Loop
  • Privacy, Regulation, and Federated Machine Learning

Part III:

  • AI and COVID
  • Advice for the Younger Generation
  • Conclusion

