Deliver Conf 2018 — Reading List

2 min readJan 26, 2018


A compiled (and nearly complete*) list of books, papers and references from conference day at DeliverConf 2018, Manchester

*No affiliations or endorsements, mistakes are my own etc. If I missed any, please let me know via Twitter.

Alison Coward — Building an effective team culture

Effective Workshops — Alison Coward
The Progress Principle — Teresa Amabile & Steven Kramer
Collective Intelligence — Anita Woolley’s publications
Mindset — Carol Dweck
Deepwork — Cal Newport
How To Kill Creativity — Teresa Amabile
Drive — Daniel Pink (11 min sketch video version)
Collective Genius — Linda Hill
The Checklist Manifesto — Atul Gawande
How 1% Performance Improvements Led To Olympic Gold (Dave Brailsford, marginal gains) — Harvard Business Review
To get people to change, make change easy — Tania Luna & Jordan Cohen
Sprint — Jake Knapp
Impossible and now — Wolff Olins

Cara Bermingham — A people-first approach to transformation
Chris Burns — Build the right thing
Vicky Walsh — Managing expectations of you
No references mentioned

Hayley Hinsley — Aim high, not just wide (slides)

T-shaped people: “The hunt is on for the Renaissance Man of computing,” in The Independent, September 17, 1991 — David Guest
The T-Shaped Product Manager — Roman Pichler

Roisi Proven — Compartmentalised empathy — how to support others without losing yourself

The Spoon Theory — Christine Miserandino
(and many more links and references — awaiting Roisi’s slides)

Rachael Shah — Data Driven Delivery (slides)

What gets measured gets done — John E. Jones III
Black Box Thinking — Matthew Syed
(and many more links and references — see Rachael’s slides ^)

Meghan McInerny — Level Up: A Leadership MVP (slides)

Interactive Project Management — Megan McInerny and Nancy Lyons
How to win friends and influence people — Dale Carnegie
Braving the Wilderness — Brené Brown
The Chokehold of Calendars — Mike Monteiro
Getting Things Done — David Allen
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team — Patrick Lencioni (36 min video)
(and many more links and references — see Meghan’s slides ^)

