12 Must-Have iPhone Apps You Should Know About

clark thomas
6 min readOct 11, 2019


The Apple App store has a huge stock of amazing apps. As of the second quarter of 2019, the store has 1.96 million available apps ranking as the second-largest app store. With such a massive number of apps to choose from, how to know which are the absolute must-haves?

There are tons of useful apps out there, and you surely would have a number of them on your iPhone such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and a few others. But apart from these social media apps, there are some useful apps you should install on your iPhone.

Here are the 10 must-have iPhone apps you should know about:

1. Mint

Many of us dread the idea of budgeting and managing our expenses accordingly. Students particularly have a hard time deciding whether to have the time of their lives to enjoy to the fullest because of YOLO or save up for a rainy day.

Nonetheless, if you need to save money to pay off a loan, track how much you spend, or want to save for an upcoming trip, download Mint. This apps pulls all of your accounts in one place, which includes your investments, credit cards, loans, and banks. The app helps in knowing how much you have spent and offers tools to set budgets while splitting your expenses into different categories.

2. Jumbo Privacy

With data privacy becoming a myth every passing day, one can never be too careful. If you want your children and yourself to have a safe browsing experience, Jumbo Privacy is a great tool to achieve that. You can take control of your data from sites such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Alexa, and many others.

Jumbo privacy will not only inform you of the threat but also explains the reason why.


This app should find its way to your iPhone even if you are unaware of your DNS name or the purpose of IP addresses. This app transmits your internet traffic via a reputable cybersecurity company, Cloudflare instead of ISPs such as AT&R or Verizon.

This way, you can establish a faster connection with the websites and prevent big companies from monetizing your data.

4. Otter Voice Notes

This is every student’s dream app. We have all been through the ordeal of taking notes and trying hard to keep up with our teacher’s lecture. If you are miserable at taking notes, try Otter Voice Notes. The app is great for students and helps them in recording live notes, transcribe them, and even differentiate between the voices for more accuracy.

5. Firefox Focus

This app is the ultimate solution for those who fear targeted ads that pop up due to something they searched recently. Say, you want to get a ring for your girlfriend, but you fear that ads will begin to appear when you are using your phone next to them and pretty much ruin the surprise. How to keep it a secret?

If you want to look up something without having to delete your history from everywhere, Firefox Focus is the app for you. You can use the browser to look up what you want without any worry about targeted pop-up ads. This browser blocks ad trackers and clears the browser history.

What’s more? You can even place Face ID or Touch ID verifications for added security before opening the existing pages.

6. First Aid

Bad luck and disasters usually strike when you least expect them. You never know when you or someone around you could have an unfortunate accident. You might be the only person to bandage a wound or save a life. With this app, you are going to have all the first-aid information a tap away. There are interactive quizzes and videos that you assist you in becoming a grade-A survivalist.

Before you take matters into your own hands, do call 911.

7. Citymapper

Though Google Maps are quite reliable, the public transit functions’ algorithms can give you grief sometimes. They end up giving you weird suggestions while completely overlooking the options of bike shares and scooters. Citymapper covers New York, San Francisco, Seoul, Tokyo, Toronto, Moscow, and Sao Paulo among others, and if you live in any of these cities, Citymapper will give you the best and fastest list of options for traveling on public transport.

8. Xnspy

Digital parenting problems require digital solutions. If you are a parent of a tween or teen, say hello to Xnspy — the ideal problem-solver for all your worries. Through this app, you can remotely keep an eye on your child’s phone activities. It monitors text messages, calls logs, web browsing, locations, multimedia, social media, and a lot more.

The app requires no installation; you just need your child’s iCloud credentials. The app will sync with it and inform you about every phone activity. You can view all of the information from the app’s online dashboard.

9. Libby

Love reading? If you have a library card, then you can get access to thousands of audiobooks and e-books through Libby. You could read on your device or even send it to your Kindle for easier reading.

10. Fantastical

Both Apple and Google have pretty impressive calendars. But if you have your work and personal email ID set up on the same device, it does become overwhelming. In that case, your best bet would be Fantastical. This app combines everything on a single interface and efficiently adapts to changes.

Also, it places your scheduled reminders right next to your other events.

11. Square Cash

Forgot your wallet at home? We have all been through that. Splitting the bill with friends could become problematic when you have no cash on you. Square Cash is an app that transfers money between friends right away and that, too, for free.

There is no pre-requisite of having the same banks either. All you have to do to use this app is signup and sync your debit card with it. And later on, you could pay back your friend with a few taps on your iPhone. Usually, the money is deposited right away; If not, it takes no more than one to two business days for the deposit to get clear.

12. Magisto

When we take photos and film videos, we all have the same aim: Make them Instagram-worthy. And with blogging on the rise, we want to edit them perfectly. Not everyone is a pro but you could become one with Magisto. It takes barely a few seconds, and your videos will look like an expert edited them.

Magisto takes your photos and videos and, using AI, creates their best version. There are a built-in music library and numerous cool effects as well. You can share the edited photos and images right away from the app to your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Google+.

