Babusar Top Weather Journey

Best Specialist
4 min readJan 19, 2022


Babusar Top, situated at a tallness of 4173 meters, has turned into a well known place of interest throughout the years with various attractions close by. The pass is the most elevated point in the Kagan Valley of Pakistan, and can be effortlessly gotten to via vehicles. It’s an elective course used to arrive at Thak Nala in Chilas, from where onwards you can head out to the extent the Khunjerab pass(Pakistan-China line), utilizing the Karakoram Highway. Babusar Top is just open in the summers, since in the winters the street past Naran (2409 meters) gets covered with snow, so the best an ideal opportunity to visit is the point at which the environmental factors are loaded with vegetation.
I’ve visited Babusar top various occasions, regularly enroute from Balakot to Chilas, and keeping in mind that returning towards Islamabad from Chilas. Indeed, the first rainbow I at any point trapped in quite a while was at Balakot, at a 147 km distance from the Babusar Top. I had halted for lunch at Pine Track inn, after a lengthy drive in the downpour.
At the point when the downpour halted, I saw a hypnotizing rainbow on the mountain just before me, starting as far as possible from the base and shooting high up.

After Balakot — Towards Shogran and Siri Paye

After Balakot, one goes through Kiwai, from where you can take one more course to Shogran and Siri Paye. The street then, at that point, goes through Kaghan and Naran, with the Kunhar River streaming right close to it. The water stream has diminished impressively throughout the long term, and the waterway has turned into somewhat more settled. Jeeps can be employed here to visit the famous Jheel Saif ul Malook, and one can likewise travel further to Aaanso Lake. Malika Parbat (5290m) is another well known fascination, and the tallest top around here. From Naran the whole way to Chilas, generally less lodgings and houses can be found on the side of the road, so you get to appreciate more normal landscape.

After Naran Towards Siran Valley

After Naran, you cross Batakundi from where you can get to the Siran Valley and Siran Peak. The mountains encompassing this region are normally covered by less vegetation because of the great elevation, yet the grass and blossoms develop tall in the summers. The street is in great condition generally, and on an unmistakable bright day, the mists look lovely in the blue sky. After about 90 minutes, you show up at the Lulusar Lake. The lake’s water is a striking emerald green, and surprisingly in early summers, you can see snow on the mountains encompassing it. In light of the mists, the daylight continues to move out and about ahead. The goats and sheep of the nearby Gujjars should be visible eating in the green knolls and valleys.

Towards the highest point of Babusar top

Towards the highest point of Babusar top, the turns are all the more sharp and steep. Nonetheless, the perspectives from the top are really amazing. The mists that recently showed up on the highest point of mountains, presently encompass you. Peering down from the top, you can see the fabulous street wandering aimlessly through the mountains. A crisp breeze blows constantly, and keeping in mind that there is daylight on certain areas of the slopes, the remainder of the verdant knolls are frequently covered by the shadows cast by mists. Aside from touring and partaking in the evolving climate, there isn’t a lot to do at Babusar Top, yet even in top summers, you might be adequately fortunate to get the snowfall. There are additionally a couple of slows down where one can purchase snacks for the excursion ahead.

The drop after Babusar Top is exceptionally risky, albeit the street is metalled. Vehicles must be driven in a low stuff since brakes will generally overheat, and can even flop because of abuse. There is an apparent change in the scene and the green piles of the Kaghan Valley gradually begin getting supplanted by the more brown and infertile piles of the Chilas district. As the temperature gradually rises, one at long last arrives at Chilas, a significant town in the district.

Since Babusar top and the Naran Kaghan Valley are somewhat more available pieces of the Northern Regions, guests have been expanding throughout the long term. At the point when the Pass is open during summers, there are sure timings for intersection the police check post at Babusar due to security reasons, just as the presence of wild creatures around evening time. Thus, those meeting interestingly, should actually look at the timings to stay away from any burden.

Babusar top Weather Journey one of the most visited northern region of Pakistan .

