Strengthening Social Relations with Lydian Lion

Class maker
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Basically, humans are social creatures that live interdependent with one another. Of course, to strengthen relationships between people, humans are required to interact directly with each other. But did you know that in the era of digitalization like today many people are reluctant to interact directly with each other, which they prefer to do activities online, rather than doing activities offline. This problem certainly invited concern from various parties, one of which was from the founder of the platform from Lydian Lion.

Lydian Lion is a blockchain-based platform that is entering its inaugural market. Where the platform performs its function as a provider of tourism services, social services as well as providers of goods and services needed for daily needs.

Not all platforms can provide services that connect users with other users. This can be seen from a variety of transactions carried out on a blockchain-based platform without requiring users to interact directly with other users. It is undeniable that the presence of Technology does have a positive impact such as making it easy for people to carry out various activities. Where most people assume that all their needs can be obtained easily as long as someone has a coffers of money. This perception is found in the minds of millennials today, where this perception is slowly changing the mindset of humans so that it is more concerned with money rather than interacting with each other. Therefore, to solve various problems and wrong perceptions from the community, Lydian Lion will provide a variety of services and products that can be obtained through interaction between people.

As a platform that provides multiple services, Lydian Lion not only provides social-related services, but also provides tourism services. If usually other blockchain-based platforms that provide tourism services will provide a variety of accommodations that can be booked through that platform. So this is different from the services provided by Lydian Lion, where the Lydian Lion expert team will collaborate with various conventional accommodation providers. Later the collaboration will allow users to book various types of accommodation directly to the conventional accommodation service provider by using tokens issued by the Lydian Lion platform, LLion tokens. So that the use of cryptocurrency can be applied in everyday life through conventional service providers. As we know that cryptocurrency can only be empowered through Blockchain-based, but with the sophistication of Lydian Lion, later cryptocurrency issued by the platform can be used directly outside the blockchain.

Not only that, Lydian Lion also offers a variety of advanced features that have not been provided by other platforms, such as the smartphone lock feature. Did you know that there are currently many workers who cannot maximize their work because they are preoccupied with the use of smartphones, but now with the presence of the smartphone lock feature from Lydian Lion, workers do not need to be bothered with incoming calls or incoming messages on their smartphones. Where they can lock smartphones by using the smartphone lock feature while they work, so that all calls, notifications and various things that can interfere with work activities are no longer felt by workers and workers can enjoy or operationalize their smartphones again after their work is finished. This smartphone lock feature can not only be used by workers, but can also be used by various parties who need it such as, the driver, learning, and the community who are interacting with each other.

Every company must have its own strategy to explore users, Likewise with Lydian Lion who also has its own strategy to hook its users, which strategy is to give gifts as a form of appreciation to users who have done various kinds of transactions. Where the gift can be used by users to obtain goods or services provided by other sticks or exchanged for a number of tokens so that they can be used to meet various kinds of life needs. Because the presence of Lydian Lion not only helps users to restore their nature as social creatures, it can also empower users with gifts that they offer.

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