How to Create an Effective Study Plan for CLAT 2024?

Race Bhopal
2 min readMay 18, 2024

Are you planning to appear for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) in 2024? If yes, then it’s never too early to start preparing for it. The CLAT is a highly competitive exam and requires a strategic and well-planned approach to crack it. One of the key elements of a successful CLAT preparation is creating an effective study plan. As they say, failing to plan is planning to fail. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can create an effective study plan for CLAT 2024, specifically for students looking for CLAT coaching in Bhopal.

1) Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus: The first step in creating a study plan is to thoroughly understand the exam pattern and syllabus of CLAT. This will give you a clear idea of the topics and subjects that you need to cover. The CLAT exam consists of five sections — English, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Elementary Mathematics. Make a list of all the topics under each section and prioritize them based on your strengths and weaknesses.

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2) Set Realistic Goals: Once you have a clear understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus, it’s time to set realistic goals. Divide your syllabus into smaller, achievable goals for each week or month. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout your preparation journey. Remember to set achievable goals and not overload yourself with too much work.

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3) Allocate Time for Each Subject: Time management is crucial when it comes to preparing for CLAT. Allocate a specific amount of time for each subject according to its weightage in the exam. For example, you can dedicate more time to subjects like Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, which carry more marks. Also, make sure to include breaks in your study plan to avoid burnout.

4) Take Mock Tests: Taking mock tests is an essential part of CLAT preparation. It helps you assess your strengths and weaknesses and also gives you a feel of the actual exam. Make sure to include at least one mock test per week in your study plan. You can also join a CLAT coaching institute in Bhopal, which provides regular mock tests and personalized feedback.

5) Revise Regularly: As the saying goes, “Repetition is the mother of learning.” It’s crucial to revise regularly to retain what you have studied. Set aside some time each day for revision.

Also Read: CLAT Coaching in Bhopal M.P. Nagar



Race Bhopal

RACE specializes in CLAT coaching in Bhopal, fostering academic excellence and empowering aspiring students to achieve their educational goals.