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First notes:

Claudia Gordo
2 min readMay 22, 2016

Detecting social media aspects to analyze it by experimentation. It has different variables to consider:

  • Platforms. It is not the same the practices on Snapchat, Instagram, Periscope or Twitter so each piece has to be addressed to the space I’m using it. It requires a big understanding of the platform, the people use it, the features and the possibilities.
  • Purposes. It pretends to study the variation on social media behaviors such as gaining followers or being more engage (likes, comments, repost, RT). Or just what it feels to copy influencers.
  • Topics. Not sure if I need to focus on a concrete topic (be fit, be fashion blogger, foodporn, catlover, …). As it is more about having productive fun and my mind is far for being an organize and structural space, I will try different issues as I fancy on the moment.
  • Features. They are the small unit of this “experiment” and kind of the drivers to reach a goal: videos, photos, hashtags, texts, hyperlapses, boomerangs, drawing, …

Part of this “thing” has to be on enriching myself by understanding how things work on social media by a more “prepared” point of view. I am not academical, I do not pretend to be. I focus on social media practices with a planned purpose and adding an analytical layer.

One of the commitments to carry this out, is to surf the internet to find papers, post or pieces which study the digital practices in a analytical point of view. For the time being, it comes to my mind to check Paul Addams and Intercom blog, Cyborgology … or some interesting mediums I’ve already bumped into.

On these best practices or state of intentions, I feel committed to settle down a frequency but, to be honest to myself, it could be something to discourage me when I won’t accomplish. However, I would say once a month (1st week for the topic and do theoretical research, 2nd to set the structure , 3rd for experimenting, 4th to write down).

So, let’s start.

What could be my first piece?

My first problem is about the processes. Hope just in this first start. Do I need to search on papers for inspiration or just copy from some influencers and then analyze it?



Claudia Gordo

Making digital stuff happen. Stories and sticker lover :)