Fishes Eddy

Optimizing Fishes Eddy Ecommerce Microsite Design — Information Architecture and Content Strategy

Claudia Hora
4 min readFeb 28, 2016
Fishs Eddy store, New York.

Fishes Eddy is a 30 year old brand and they definitely are one of the best places to go for everyday disses, flatware and glasses. Their items vary from whites to whimsical patterns, nostalgic to contemporary everyday objects artfully stacked.

It’s this just-right blend of folksy general store and urban edginess (hand-drawn checkerboard plates sit near a table featuring “Brooklynese” mugs emblazoned with cawffee) that enabled Fishes Eddy to reach $9 million in sales in 2014. The brand resonates with NYC locals, tourists and out-of-towners — online sales in the first quarter of 2014 were up 20 percent over the same period the previous year.”

This study represents that they apparently are on the right path. Users are getting interested in Fishes Eddy Ecommerce and are buying more frequently on their website. This is very positive and represents a great starting point to evolve and getting to a bigger success.

Interviews from Fishs Eddy frequent customers.

Fishes Eddy it’s a brand who expresses its personality through its words embedded in their unique products. Most of Fishes Eddy clients don’t use their website mainly because it has too many product categories displayed in a very cluttered way. Many of the products don’t appear in the website, so it’s more easy for users to go to the physical store and buy what they want. It’s clear that Fishes Eddy Ecommerce have to provide regularly updated inventory and invest in better knowledge and authority in product inventory.

A competitive analysis comparing Whisk, Zak! and Global Table showed that:

Fishs Eddy — Competitive Analysis

Successful design align business goals with user goals and from the competitive analysis research we can see that an optimization of Fishes Eddy website require: 1. a better product classification and less product categories; 2. easier navigation through the website; 3. checkout optimization.

To organize and setup the new products catalog in an effective way and considering the 90 products to be included, I started to collect all the information from the actual website organizing this data in a Google spreadsheet. Besides the name of the products I gathered the current category organization (multilevel categories) for those 90 products, prices, collections and some characteristics that I could use to classify in a better way. After some interactions over the spreadsheet, using sorting and filtering capabilities, I got to a first version of my catalog. At this point, with 90 products catalog and given the main characteristics of my Persona (Dexter), I’ve chosen the remaining 10 products. Dexter, like many of Fishes Eddy clients, is a big fan of retro chic, buys gifts for his friends and relatives over the holidays and loves products that express the New York City culture. The second version of the products catalog was achieved and once again I’ve done some more interactions. Besides minor improvements, I finally settled the “Gifts” pricing level considering the price range of my products.

After my products catalog I designed the sitemap:

The userflow, from product discovery:

The new microstore presumes Dexter (the main Persona) is already logged in.

to checkout:

For example, if Dexter wants to buy the Skyline Pillow, he can find it under the Decorate, Collections, or Gifts main navigation sections.

The new microwebsite reflects Dexter needs and also many of the main Fishes Eddys clients.

These previous screenshots include user findings and iterations, from paper prototyping to digital, that you can see below:

The next four screens shows the optimization of the checkout process:

Try my prototype in Invision or check video here for a better understanding of the user experience through the website.

Further improvements and new developments:

  • Sign up and authentication process
  • Multi-currency and multilingual
  • Payments support
  • Rating and customer feedback
  • Newsletter
  • Statements and campaigns
  • Referrals and discounts
  • General improvements on several pages, like the sub-category pages (ex. Cook&Dine > Glassware)



Claudia Hora

UX Designer — from research and ideation to prototyping and testing, as well as pixel perfect visual design.