What’s a Global Citizen?

Are you an activist or want to become one? Are you interested in climate change, poverty or social issues? Have you ever read this word on social media and wondered what it means?

Claudia M. Zedda
2 min readJun 2, 2022
Global Citizenship Education (Public Domain from Rawpixel)

The term Global Citizenshiprefers to the belief that everyone in the world belongs to a multiple, diverse, local and non-local network rather than single individuals that affect single societies.

This means that since we belong to the same planet, we have a social responsibility to treat it well and act for the benefit of all societies, not just for our own benefit.

Actions of global citizens can be applied to a variety of different areas, such as economics, society, environment, politics and so on. Therefore, global citizenship has many different ways of expression, depending on our own interests and passions.

Usually, global citizens would have an active role in their society with the intention of making the world more sustainable, fairer and better for everyone. This could manifest in volunteering in a local NGO, church or school; as well as participating in community decision-making; being vocal on social media about the issues you care about; and so on.

What are the benefits of being a global citizen?

  • Helping younger people to understand wider and complex global issues, inspiring them to take action as well.
  • Building your understanding of what is most important to you: is it poverty? is it gender equality? is it climate change and sustainability?
  • Turning that passion into action in the real world, by either volunteering in your own community or somewhere else in the world.
  • Helping out in your own community will benefit your society but also show that you have the power to make a change.
  • Challenging ignorance and intolerance, while being more open-minded towards different cultures and languages.

Where do you start to become a Global Citizen?

A good way to start is by asking yourself:

  • What am I doing to make this world a better place?
  • Am I keeping up with what’s going on in the world? Particularly in my area of interest?
  • Is there any organisation in my area that is working on the issues I care about?
  • How do I get in contact with them?
  • Is there a Facebook Group, LinkedIn account or Instagram page that promotes action & offers opportunities to take action?

Global Citizenship is not just about your actions, it’s more like a mindset. Apply that mindset into real-life actions and you have the key for success.



Claudia M. Zedda

I write about learning, languages, travels and personal development. To read all my content, subscribe here: https://medium.com/@claudiamzedda/membership