Smart Contracts in Cardano

Claudio Hermida
8 min readJul 20, 2024


Part I: Functional programming and the eUTXO model

Claudio Hermida


The purpose of this work is to

  • Show how the eUTxO model of blockchain comes about from a consideration of handling state in functional programming
  • Exhibit Cardano’s validators as verifiable specifications of a contract-method input-output behaviour
  • Provide a putative answer to the question: what is a smart contract in Cardano?

This is the first in a three-part series covering these topics. The other parts are Part II and Part III. The whole article is presented in this YouTube video


In this first part of our conceptual revisit of Cardano’s eutxo model and smart contracts, we review the functional programming approach to handling state as additional input/output to functions. After recalling the kind of state involved in account-based smart contracts, we show how treating such state functionally leads directly to Cardano’s extended unspent transaction output (which additionally enhances data to a resource). We conclude by recalling Haskell’s treatment of state via the State Monad and show its equivalence to the additional-(input/output) method.

The second part Part II of this work examines the link between formal specifications of methods via pre and postconditions and Cardano’s validators, while the third part Part III addresses the link between smart contract methods, transaction schemas and their associated validators, rounding up our treatment of smart contracts in Cardano.

Functional programming

The prevailing programming paradigm is object oriented programming, a natural evolution of imperative programming incorporating encapsulation to support data abstraction. Imperative programming evolved from primitive assembly languages, closely tied to the hardware model of CPU and RAM: the machine memory is a large array of updatable locations, which store both data and program. The program is understood as a sequence of instructions which fetch data from memory, perform calculations and update variables (references to storage locations), plus any input/output required from external devices.

Functional programming [Thompson (2011)](Bird 2014), on the other hand, is a paradigm where programs are functional expressions transforming inputs into outputs. Such expressions are built composing predefined as well as user-defined functions, and evaluated by term rewriting, replacing an instance of the left-hand side of an equation by the corresponding instance of the right-hand side.

Ex: defining succ and double as

succ x = x + 1

we may evaluate double(succ 3) as follows:

double ( succ 3) ~~> double( 3 + 1) ~~> double 4 ~~> 2 * 4 ~~> 8

( innermost redex evaluation strategy: strict evaluation)


double (succ 3) ~~> 2 * (succ 3) ~~> 2 * (3 + 1) ~~> 2 * 4 ~~> 8

(outermost redex evaluation strategy: lazy evaluation )

The two main characteristics of functional programming for our considerations of eUTXO modelling are

  • Stateless: functions are evaluated, reading inputs and producing outputs without manipulating any state or storage variables.
  • Referentially transparent: the main consequence of statelessness is that we can reason equationally with functional expressions, replacing equals by equals anywhere.

Handling State

Modern functional languages like Haskell evolved from functional calculi, typically some variant of lambda calculus, used as metalanguages to express the denotational semantics of programming languages (Tenent 2023), which gives meaning to programs as functions transforming input state into output state.

In imperative programming, a storage location or variable can be thought abstractly as an object on which we may perform two operations: read and update (Reynolds 1981).

Example: Consider a reverse operation on lists using an accumulator to store the intermediate result of reversing the list as we go through it:

reverse :: List A -> List A

In order to emulate the use of the storage variable in a stateless fashion we must emulate the two operations on it:

  • To emulate read we must provide the contents of the variable as an additional input to the reverse function
  • To emulate update we must produce the updated content as an additional output so that it can be used in later computation.
newType State = List A

In general, we have the following bidirectional translation:

[var s : State ⊢ f : I → O] ⇔ [ ⊢ f′ : (I, State) → (O, State)]

which means that a function in the context/environment of a variable of type State can be represented by a function in empty context with extra input and output of type State.

Distributed Ledger and Smart Contracts

In the account-based model of smart contracts on a blockchain (Ethereum), a distributed ledger is a collection of accounts (identified by an address) with associated information, in particular a balance of assets or values held.

Account-Ledger = Map Address (Value,State)

A smart contract is an object , in the sense of object-oriented programming. Therefore it has an internal local state, which includes the balance, and methods. A smart contract is deployed (held) at an (account) address in the ledger.

A transaction updates the distributed ledger by interacting with smart contracts and user held accounts, calling on their methods.

tx-method : Account-Ledger -> Account-Ledger

On formalism

We will not indulge in fully formal models of account-based or eutxo-based blockchains and related concepts like transactions, but give only indicative structures which add sufficient precision to our discussion without overloading the reader with details. A more elaborated formalisation of these notions appears in (Brünjes and Gabbay 2020) and a full-fledged Agda coding in Knispel et al. (2024)].

Example: Here is a very simple vesting contract to illustrate concepts. A benefactor deposits a certain amount to be retrived by a specified beneficiary, once a certain deadline has been reached (say, when the beneficiary comes of age). Before the deadline, the benefactor may cancel the vesting and recover the deposited amount. A boolean flag consumed is used to prevent multiples withdrawals/retrievals.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

How should we handle these statefull smart contracts in a stateless fashion? Answer: eutxo (extended unspent transaction output) (Chakravarty et al. 2020); our functional transactions should have additional input/output to account for state.

As we mentioned, in blockchains, the state of an account, uniquely identified by an address, is conveniently split (conceptually) in two components: value/balance and local variables. In Satoshi Nakamoto’s original utxo model for Bitcoin, only value is considered. Cardano extends this by adding a datum to the utxo to account for the local state of a contract object. So the data for an eutxo is a tuple consisiting of:

address target address where the utxo is held/locked

value value locked in this utxo

datum local state

This is literally the functional interpretation of the “state” embodied in the account-based model: a map from Address to (Value,State) is realized as a list of triples `[(address,value,state)]’ with no repetitions in the first component. That triple is exactly the data content of an eutxo.

Just like in Bitcoin, eutxos in Cardano are resources: they are produced by a transaction (as outputs) and can be consumed or spent once, and only once, by another transaction (as inputs). The resource nature of a eutxo is realized by uniquely identifying it with a TxOutRef, which is a pair (TransactionId,TxIx): a transaction identifier of the transaction that produces this output, together with the index which signals its position in the list of outputs of the transaction.

According to this reformulation, a single eutxo would suffice to account for both value and local state at an address, which we can see as the equivalent of an account. However, in line with Bitcoin’s utxos, Cardano allows multiple etuxos to be held at a single address, thereby effectively splitting or sharding the local state at an address. This sharding has great benefits for efficiency: a transaction can select very precisely those utxos which hold the piece of state of interest to consume, and transactions consuming different utxos can be computed/validated in parallel. We elaborate on transaction execution/validation later on.

Another major benefit of sharding state combined with the resource nature of eutxos is non-interference: an eutxo can only be used by a single transaction, so different transactions cannot operate over the same piece of state (Brünjes and Gabbay 2020, Lemma 2.15). This ensures predictability of the outcome of transactions, in contrast to the account-based model with shared global state among transactions; a transaction in such model can never guarantee in which initial state it will be executed.

The State Monad

Our treatment of state in functional programming has focused on the traditional and widespread technique of having an additional input/output parameter. Functional programmers familiar with Haskell know of its ubiquitous use of monads to encapsulate operations on types and provide a systematic composition of the associated monadic computations. In particular, there is a “famous” State monad.

Let us recall the 1–1 correspondence between functions that take a pair as argument and functions with “two arguments”:

(A × B) → C ⇔ A → (B → C)

given by the functions

curry :: ((A,B) -> C) -> (A -> (B -> C))
curry f = \a -> (\b -> f (a,b))

which satisfy

curry $ uncurry g == g
uncurry $ curry f == f

Such a correspondence is called a (natural) isomorphism. Let us apply this correspondence to a function which manipulates a state S

f:: (I,S) -> (O,S)  ~~~~~> curry(f):: I -> (S -> (O,S))

The expression S -> (O,S) is precisely the so-called State monad at the type O.

State:: * -> *
State a :: S -> (a,S)

A function f : I → O with state S corresponds to a monadic computation curry(f) : I → State O


Bird, Richard. 2014. Thinking Functionally with Haskell. Cambridge University Press.

Brünjes, Lars, and Murdoch J Gabbay. 2020. “UTxO-Vs Account-Based Smart Contract Blockchain Programming Paradigms.” In Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Applications: 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20–30, 2020, Proceedings, Part III 9, 73–88. Springer.

Chakravarty, Manuel MT, James Chapman, Kenneth MacKenzie, Orestis Melkonian, Michael Peyton Jones, and Philip Wadler. 2020. “The Extended UTXO Model.” In Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2020 International Workshops, AsiaUSEC, CoDeFi, VOTING, and WTSC, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, February 14, 2020, Revised Selected Papers 24, 525–39. Springer.

Knispel, Andre, Orestis Melkonian, James Chapman, Alasdair Hill, Joosep Jääger, William DeMeo, and Ulf Norell. 2024. “Formal Specification of the Cardano Blockchain Ledger, Mechanized in Agda.” In FMBC 2024.

Reynolds, John C. 1981. The Craft of Programming. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall International.

Tenent, Robert. 2023. “Denotational Semantics.” In Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, edited by S. Abramsky Dov M. Gabbay and T. S. E. Maibaum. Oxford University Press.

Thompson, Simon. 2011. Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming. Addison-Wesley.



Claudio Hermida

PhD computer science, category theorist, web 3 enthusiast