Parallels between the Biggest Trends of 2024: Ozempic and Artificial Intelligence

claudio tosatto
3 min readJun 14, 2024


In 2023, two innovations dominated the news landscape: Ozempic, a drug for effortless weight loss, and artificial intelligence (AI), a technology that allows companies to “slim” by replacing some of their staff with bots. Despite belonging to different sectors, these two innovations share striking parallels in their effects and implications.

Ozempic: Lose Weight Without Effort

Ozempic, a drug initially developed to treat type 2 diabetes, has quickly gained popularity as a weight loss solution. Its active ingredient, semaglutide, acts on the appetite regulation system, reducing hunger and facilitating significant weight loss without the need for a strict diet or strenuous exercise regime. For many people, Ozempic is a game-changer, offering an effective and relatively simple method for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Artificial Intelligence: “Losing weight” in companies

At the same time, artificial intelligence has revolutionized the world of work. Companies, always looking for efficiency and cost reduction, have adopted AI to automate processes and functions that traditionally required human intervention. Through the use of bots and advanced algorithms, many businesses have managed to significantly reduce the number of employees needed while maintaining or even improving productivity. This transformation, often described as “corporate slimming,” allows organizations to be leaner and more competitive in the marketplace.

The Parallels

1. **Efficiency and Simplicity:**
— **Ozempic:** Allows significant weight loss without having to drastically change your lifestyle.
— **AI in Business:** It allows you to automate complex tasks, reducing the need for human workforce and simplifying business processes.

2. **Social Impact:**
— **Ozempic:** Potentially reduces the incidence of obesity-related diseases, improving the quality of life of many people.
— **AI:** It changes the labor market, creating new opportunities but also significant challenges for workers who must adapt to an increasingly automated environment.

3. **Controversies and Debates:**
— **Ozempic:** Raises ethical questions regarding the use of drugs for weight control, including concerns about long-term effects.
— **AI:** Generates debates about the impact of automation on employment, privacy and data security.

4. **Future Promises:**
— **Ozempic:** Represents hope for combating the obesity epidemic, with potential future applications still being explored.
— **AI:** It offers prospects for continuous innovation, with promises of improvements in sectors such as healthcare, logistics, education and many others.

A Contemporary Solution

Ozempic and artificial intelligence represent two manifestations of a very contemporary approach to problem solving: taking shortcuts to achieve great results without effort. In the case of Ozempic, it is a quick way to lose weight without the difficulties associated with diets and intensive exercise. For AI, it is a means to increase efficiency and reduce business costs by avoiding time-consuming staff training and management processes.


Both Ozempic and AI embody the human desire for improvement and optimization. Although they operate in different contexts, both represent ways in which science and technology can simplify and improve our lives. However, with great power comes great responsibility: it is crucial to address the ethical and social implications of these innovations to ensure their benefits are accessible and sustainable for all.



claudio tosatto

AI entrepreneur passionate of technology, future, and how is going on all the planet