Infographic: What Fashion Brands Does Nicki Minaj Rap About Most?

Clay Anderson
2 min readJun 21, 2016


Nicki Minaj is one of the most influential people on the planet — a ubiquitous pop culture phenomenon. Since 2010, Nicki’s singles have sold more than 65 million copies, a staggering a number for any musician.

The bottom line is that when Nicki Minaj raps, people pay attention. One of her favorite topics is fashion; Nicki frequently name-drops designer fashion brands in her lyrics, and since so many people are listening, the brands Nicki mentions benefit.

I was curious about what fashion brands Nicki Minaj mentions most in her lyrics. I combed through all the songs from every one of Nicki Minaj’s mixtapes and studio albums. The lyrics I analyzed span from her debut mixtape Playtime is Over (2007) to her latest studio album The Pinkprint(2014).

What brands does she mention most? How often does she reference a fashion brand? How have her tastes changed over time? These were some of the questions I wanted to answer. A picture speaks a thousands words, so I organized my findings in an infographic.

Here are some key findings:

  • 25% of Nicki’s songs include a reference to a fashion brand
  • Louis Vuitton is the brand Nicki raps about most frequently
  • Nicki never raps about her Kmart collection…ever, ever.
  • Recently, Birkin bags have become her favorite item to rap about
  • The average price of the shoes Nicki raps about are +1000% since 2007

