AppSwarm Inc and Clay Cooley — Investment SCAM Warn

AppSwarm Clay Cooley: Exposed
4 min readMay 24, 2022


Clay Cooley CEO AppSwarm

Whether you’re an amateur or a pro, you will agree regardless that investing is no walk in the park. It takes an entire nation’s worth of patience, strong research skills and a gut feeling that you can trust. It may seem simple, but there are a myriad of things you have to research, and even then a simple one time research will simply not do. You have to check and recheck multiple times, and go through everything, rethink every decision and every move before you go ahead and make it. Even then the possibility that all of it could go down the drain never stops existing. That’s because of multiple reasons, but among other things, one very specific and common cause behind that is unluckily meeting an investment scammer. While there are many factors and red flags that can help you identify one, there are some specialist frauds that know their way across them and loot you.

It may seem surprising but one of those ruthless, very well disguised investment scammers is Clay Cooley, otherwise known in the professional world as the founder of AppSwarm Inc. Being a software technology development company that develops software platforms and mobile apps, AppSwarm Inc listed under the trade symbol $SWRM is prioritised by investors. It is mainly because it is part of such a trending and rapidly booming industry that has an ever growing demand, so investors tend to prefer Appswarm Inc over other options. Being a listed company under the stock symbol $SWRM having Clay Cooley as the celebrated genius founder responsible for it just adds to its already high chances. Those two facts combined make Appswarm Inc the perfect cover to fool investors with and take off with their money. That’s pretty much how investors fall into Clay Cooley’s trap like myself and many others before me.

I could've saved myself from this financial suicide if there were testimonies of victims shaming him online for being a sham, but instead the internet was filled with nothing but praises and lists of his achievements which I’m now sure were all paid marketing. That was why my research was of no use, even though I checked and rechecked multiple times just to be sure. It was because when I should have been warned about the cheating con man that Clay Cooley was and continues to be, hiding behind the reputable-yet-fraudulent Appswarm Inc- I was made to trust him. That is why I’m putting this out there listing everything I went through with the so-called ‘entrepreneur’, so no one makes the same mistake of trusting this liar ever again. Just as he had hoped to, I was inspired by his ‘success story’ and it got the best of us, so I entered a business-investor relationship with this scammer.

I didn’t notice the warning signs and trusted him when he promised that the investment would bring huge returns. However, what followed was a series of disappointments and humiliation. It started with excuses, and turned into ignored calls and screened emails. Having pooled everything I could into this investment, it only made sense to doubt his sincerity at this point. Still, out of professional courtesy, I approached Clay Cooley personally at AppSwarm Inc to clear out those doubts. Shockingly, I was met with nothing but denial and threats. It came as a harsh blow as being cheated by someone like him was something I hadn’t anticipated. The realisation came slowly, but it wasn’t that hard to conclude that my dear investor had had some practice and I was not his first or last victim.

Unsuspecting individuals like me and you who believe his fake sincerity are the very reasons behind his net worth. You may think of him as an honest man on the grounds that Clay Cooley doesn’t have a motive to scam, having AppSwarm Inc to his name- but that’s exactly what he has working for him. Both him and the company are in on this and work hand in hand to scam as many investors as possible. His greed has no end and he couldn’t care less about what happens to his victims after he’s done with them. The only way this can stop, is if his true colors are revealed and he is shamed publicly, so other targets that he has pegged know his reality. Name and shame both!



AppSwarm Clay Cooley: Exposed

I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for AppSwarm Inc and Clay Cooley, they’ll know SCAM activities of this duo.